(Chapter 17: The clock's ticking)

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(Spring 25)

"Y'know, I'm proud of what You did yesterday. You and Sebastian danced so well together! And Robin even said that she hasn't seen Seb smile like that at the flower dance since he was a little kid." M said, as she and I stood on my porch, just chatting.

"Mom. I think that was just more of a pity smile than anything else." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, come on. The two of you looked so cute together! Y'know, I think that boy likes you more than he lets on." M said with a smug grin. "Oh, if only you knew." I thought, before saying "Mom. It seems like your opinions of Seb are very mixed. One minute you hate him, and another you want me to start dating him... What's up with that?"

She just stood there for a few seconds, thinking, before saying "I'm honestly not sure. Maybe because I've seen the way your expression changes when you're around him? Who knows? You might be good for that boy." with a chuckle.

I couldn't even begin to tell her my thoughts on this situation, so I simply stayed quiet for a bit.

(Sebastian's POV)

"Oh my Yoba! You and that little farmer were so cute together." Mom said excitedly.

"Please don't make a big deal out of this... We were just dancing. At an event that I hate." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sebby. I saw the way you two were looking at each other. That's the happiest I've seen you in a long time. Whether you like it or not, Willow's changed something in you." She said with a smug smile, as she elbowed me in the arm.

"Mom, listen. There's nothing significant going on between us right now. So stop making things weird." I said, lying as easily as I breathed. "'Right now', huh? Meaning there was at some point in the past, or there will be in the future?" Mom said, with the smug look, still glued to her face.

"Wha- I- no I- UGH! Mom! Why do you have to pry into my life so much? You don't have to make the fact that Willow and I are dating such a big dea-" I stopped talking, quickly covering my mouth with my hand.

The two of us just stood there in silence. I still had my mouth covered, and Mom just stood there, mouth agape, and looking like she had forgotten how to speak.

"S- so... You two are actually dating?" Mom asked, with an excited smile slowly showing up on her face, before I let out a small muffled noise that sorta sounded like a whine from behind my hand. Just like my mom, just a few short seconds ago, I also could not find words.

As the two of us stood there, in awkward silence, the worst thing that could possibly happen... Well, it happened.

Willow walked in, with a piece of paper in their hand.

I finally uncovered my mouth as both Mom and I looked at them, and I quickly mouthed the word "Run." before Willow gave me a confused look, then handed Mom the paper.

Mom hid her excitement, and read it over for a bit, before saying "Oh, so M wants a house upgrade? Yeah, I can do that... But first..."

Before she continued, she paused for a bit, as I once again mouthed "You still have time to save yourself, if you run right now." But unfortunately, Willow didn't seem to get it in time. They looked confused for a bit, then they seemed to piece together what I said... But it was too slow. Mom grabbed them by the shoulders, and asked "Soooooooooo... You're dating my son?" with the smug smile, once again returning to her face.

After she said that, Willow looked over at me with fear in their eyes, and mouthed "You told her?!"

As they mouthed that, the same look of fear was now on my face. I didn't know how to respond, especially with Mom standing right there.

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