(Chapter 7: The notebook)

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The next day, I awoke to the soft sound of pages being flipped. "What the-" I thought, turning away from the wall, and looking at the thing that was causing the noise. It was B. He had my notebook. "Oooooooooooooh! Is this a drawing of your boyfriend?" He asked jokingly.

I then sprung up from the bed, and tried to take the book from him. "N- No! He's just a friend of mine! Give me my notebook back!" I said as he kept avoiding me every time I tried to grab the book. "Has he seen this yet?" B asked with a smug grin on his face. "No, and I don't plan on showing hi-" I started before B ran out of my cabin with the book under his arm. "GIVE THAT BACK!" I screamed, before I started chasing him. Unfortunately, he was much faster than I was... And even MORE unfortunately... I knew where he was going.

I was out of breath, but I kept chasing him. My lungs hurt, and I felt like I wanted to pass out, but I had to get that book back.

I chased him up into the mountains, where B almost immediately ran right into Robin's home.

I stopped. My anxiety wouldn't let me run right in like B did. And that's when I heard it. "Hey. Ms.? Where's your son?" B asked, and Robin soon answered. "Oh, Sebastian? He's in his room, playing a game with Sam."

At that moment, my heart dropped, as I heard B start running down the stairs. I would have run after him, but my body just wouldn't let me. So instead, I just walked to the nearest tree, sat next to it, and cried. "Seb's gonna see the picture... SAM is also gonna see it! What is B gonna say about it to make my situation worse?!" I thought, feeling like I was gonna throw up from the emotions, and having to run all the way up here, but somehow, I kept it in.

(Sebastian's POV)

"I seduce the dragon." Sam said with a smug expression. "Sam... That's not a good idea for... Quite a few reasons." I said, before I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Willow's brother!" The person on the other side of the door responded.

There was a few seconds of silence, as Sam and I just looked at eachother, before I said "Uh... Come in?"

As he came in, he immediately took a book that he had under his arm, and said "Man, I've got something to show you."

Once again, Sam and I just looked at eachother, and then I looked at the cover of the book he was holding. It looked familiar. After thinking for a few seconds, I realized that it was the same notebook that Willow used to talk to people. After noticing that, I quietly asked "Why... ? Do you have that?" "She drew a picture for you, but was too afraid to show you." The boy said with a smug look on his face, before handing me the book.

At that moment, I felt like something was off. The look on this kid's face just didn't sit right with me. That was the look of a boy who did something wrong, and didn't regret it. I should know. I've seen Sam make that face quite a few times, and heck, I've even done it myself a few times. But this time, it was coming from someone I didn't even know... And for some reason, it sent a shiver of fear down my spine. What exactly was in this book that he wanted me to see? If it really was something Willow wanted to show me... Why couldn't she just do it herself? As all these questions raced through my mind, I looked back at the boy. That smug smile was still on his face... And it looked like it got bigger. "Horror related stuff usually doesn't bother me, but this is even starting to creep me out." I thought, before looking back down at the book, and then up at Sam. Even he looked kinda creeped out by this kid.

I then looked back at the kid and asked "Hey, uh... Creep- Uh- um... Kid... *ahem*... Where's your Sister?" Sam then snorted at the fact that I just accidently called this boy a creep, and whispered "Wow, you're one to talk." I then hit him in the arm, and looked back at the boy. "I... Think she's outside your house." He said, looking in the direction of the door, and then back at me.

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