(Chapter 15: Bad days & Birthdays)

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(Winter 1)

"Happy birthday to my favorite little shadow!" I said excitedly, handing Krobus a pumpkin. "You remembered my birthday! Thank you. This is an amazing gift. For my people it is a great honor to receive something like this." They responded with a smile. "That's good, I guess. It was sorta the easiest thing I could find. I just... Took it from my mom's garden..." I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. Krobus just let out a little chuckle, and said "I'm honestly lucky that you got me anything at all. Humans don't normally give gifts to shadow people."

"Well, lucky you, I guess." I said, chucking quietly.

After a while of just hanging out, and chatting, I gave Krobus a friendly little pat on the head (He doesn't have arms... Most of the time, and at the moment we weren't really comfortable with hugging) and then made my way out of the sewer.

(Winter 2-7)

I spent a good chunk of time doing farm work, and managed to get the rest of the stuff that the Junimos asked for! They seemed happy. "I sure will miss them." I thought, after watching them leave, before going back to work.

(Winter 8)

Everyone went down to Cindersap Forest to celebrate the Festival of Ice. I wasn't planning on going, but mom made me. She said something along the lines of "Well, the last event you went to didn't seem to end well, so maybe you'll have more fun at this one!", and she was right at first. For a little while, it was fun to watch people carve ice sculptures, make snowmen, go fishing, etc, but eventually, I was bored, so, I ended up hanging out with my friends.

"So, guys, did you hear what happened to Jojamart? The place looks like it hasn't been used in like, years... And Shane and I were just working there a few days ago!" Sam said. "Well, looks like it's time for you to go job hunting." Sebastian said. Abby laughed, and said "Yeah, I saw the place while I was out for a walk. Looks like it got hit by a tornado or something."

I just stood there awkwardly. The Junimos had given me a note, saying what they'd done to the place, and I was honestly really surprised. They usually try to fix things up. Not destroy them.

"Well, I was thinking of trying to get a job at the museum, but I don't know." Sam said with a shrug. As he did, I noticed Seb move a little bit, and then shove his hands into his pockets out of the corner of my eye.

While Sam and Abby were talking about Sam's job, I tapped on Seb's shoulder, and as he looked at me, I pointed at him, and rubbed my arms (saying "You cold?" without actually saying it.) He just gave me a confused look for a second, before saying "Cold? Nah, I never get cold."

I just gave him an odd look before quickly grabbing one of his hands (that were still in his pockets) and then jumping a little. His hands felt like those of a dead person rather than a live one. They were cold as ice. "Never get cold, my butt!" I thought, gripping his hand a little tighter, as my face turned red, since I wasn't really used to any kind of PDA. I looked at him again, and noticed that his face was also turning a little red, but to my surprise, he didn't pull his hand away.

"Shut up..." he mumbled quietly, looking at me as if I said something to offend him, even if I didn't say anything. I loosened my hand a bit, as if to say "Do you want me to... Not do that?" but as I got ready to take my hand out of his pocket, he grabbed it, and pulled it back in.

I was a bit stunned, looking at where our hands were, and then looking back up at him, before he mumbled, even more quietly than before "Your hands are cold." and turning slightly more red in the face. I just gave him a smug grin, and sarcastically thought "Oh, so you're worried about me getting cold, but not you. Got it." Then rolled my eyes.

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