(Chapter 10: Is it possible to be an emo farmer?)

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(Willow's POV)

As the sun started to rise, I layed there in bed, looking both dead inside, and so SO alive. I couldn't get a bit of sleep after what happened last night. "Now what? What am I supposed to tell him? Just 'Oh I was told that you like me. By who? Oh, you told me last night, while you were blacked out on the couch..!' No. That's not happening." I thought before getting up, grabbing my notebook, and creeping into the living room.

As I walked over to the couch, I found that Sebastian was still asleep. "At least one of us could catch some Z's..." I thought, walking into the kitchen to get some water.

After turning on the faucet, I heard something move in the living room, so I looked over by the couch again, only to see Seb, sitting up, and looking in my direction, all squinty, as if his eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. "Wow. Since when are you up by sunrise?" I thought, taking a sip of my water, before watching him lazily walk next to me.

I then took out my notebook, and wrote "What's up bedhead?", to which he responded with "You're one to talk." I then glanced at my cup of water, looking in the reflection of myself, and thought "Huh... He's right." after noticing that my hair didn't exactly look that great either.

I then tried to hold in a laugh, as I took another... Rather awkward... Sip of water, before hearing him ask "Hey, do you have any coffee?" to which I simply looked over at my unused coffee maker, that was just sitting there, next to the sink, collecting dust. I did have everything required to make the old 'dirty bean water', but I just didn't like coffee, so it went unused.

I then wrote "IDK how to make coffee. If you can find the stuff for it, go right ahead." He then gave me a weird look, and responded "You're an adult, and don't know how to make coffee?" with a small chuckle, to which I responded back, with a note that simply said "I don't like coffee."

There was a long pause, as I was just looking at my cup, not really paying attention, but after a few seconds, I felt like someone was staring daggers at me. So, I slowly looked at Sebastian, and sure enough, that's where the daggers were coming from. I then slowly lifted up my notebook, which simply said "What?"

After another long pause, he facepalmed, and asked "How, in the name of Yoba, do you not like coffee, when you literally wake up at sunrise?"

I got what he was saying, but I was just surprised that he actually seemed to be taking this seriously, so I just wrote "First of all, I didn't sleep last night. Second... I'd rather feel like death, than have to drink dirty bean water." before taking a sip of my... Beanless... Water.

He then looked at me, grabbed a bag of coffee beans off of a nearby shelf, took a single one out, and dropped it into my cup, with a smug expression on his face.

I just stood there, looking at the single bean that was now sitting in my cup, as he said "Well, it's not dirty, but now it's bean water." while trying not to laugh, before going to the coffee maker, to make himself some actual coffee.

"You wanna play that way, huh?" I thought, before trying to act like that didn't just happen, and continuing to drink the water.

He just gave me a weird look as I spit the bean into the sink.

"... Why...?" He asked. To which I responded by writing "Why not?"

(Some time later)

After... Whatever happened earlier, Seb eventually went home to do his own thing, leaving me to sit on my couch, looking at my phone, and trying not to fall asleep. As I sat there, the thoughts of what happened last night kept going through my mind. The things that I said, how I reacted, my feelings towards Sebastian... Did I really like him, or was a part of me just trying to make me think I did, because I know he likes me, and I don't want to hurt him if I ever had to reject him?

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