(Chapter 13: Meeting in the shadows)

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The next day, I woke up to the sound of someone talking. I bolted upright, and happened to glance over at the TV. "Oh, yeah... Forgot I fell asleep on the couch. Man, this thing ain't as comfortable as it looks." I said, stretching my arms up, over my head. I then felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, so I took it out, and surprisingly, found a text from Seb.

(text conversation with said emo boi)

Emo frog🐸: Hey, you up?

Willow🐤: Yeah, but since when are you ever up this early?

Emo frog🐸: IDK. Got bored of sleeping.

Willow🐤: LOL

Willow🐤: How'd your fall go?

Emo frog🐸: Y'mean just Autumn in general... Or the fact that I fell down the stairs?

Willow🐤: LMBO Both, I guess. You doing ok?

Emo frog🐸: First of all... Did you really just write lmbo...?

Emo frog🐸: And second, other than I headache, I'm doing pretty good.

Willow🐤: Ouch. Did you hit your head on the way down?


Emo frog🐸: Don't yell at me. I literally just said I have a headache.🥺

Willow🐤: Aw... Poor bb. You shouldn't be on your phone then.🙄

Emo frog🐸: Ok, mom! Jeez.

Willow🐤: 😆

Willow🐤: Well, I gotta go do... Literally anything else. TTYL!

(End text conversation)

"Of all the people in Pelican town that I could have ended up with... The whiny emo boy is what I get stuck with?" I said with a chuckle, before getting off the couch.

After stepping outside, I noticed it was raining. "Well, I can't do any outdoor activities without getting drenched... Hm... Why not visit the mines?" I thought, before going back inside to grab my backpack, tools, food, etc.

(Tiny time skip.)

"UUUUGGGHH! Why is hitting rocks with a pickaxe so hard?!" I yelled into the empty cave, as I fell to my knees, and used my pickaxe to keep me upright. "My word, I'm dramatic when I'm tired." I thought, before facepalming, then standing up. "Okay. I got a few good things, and made it pretty far down today. I even got lucky enough to find a Prismatic Shard! I heard those things are super rare." I thought, before starting to make my way out of the mines.

As I stepped out of the mines, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Ugh... Why do I have to be social after working my butt off?" I thought before looking at my phone, and noticed a text from B that simply said. "Yo, we got a weird looking egg in the chicken coop. It's black with red spots."

At this point, not only was I tired, but now I was confused. "We only had brown and white chickens. How'd we end up with a black and red egg?" I thought, before starting the long walk home.

As soon as I stepped foot onto our property, B ran up to me, grabbed my arm, dragged me to the chicken coop, grabbed the weird egg, and yelled "LOOK AT THIS THING!" which ended up jumping the two chickens that were sitting in the coop. "It's... An egg..." I paused, sniffed a little, then continued "That smells like burned hair. Why does it smell like burned hair?"

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