(Chapter 6: Random shenanigans with the pelicans)

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"Why is it so hard to find someone when that person is also looking for you?" I thought, after wandering all over town. Funny enough, it seems like M only told Robin and her husband about what (she assumed) happened, because no one else even seems to notice that I went missing... Well... Until "Hey, farmer girl!" Said Sam, as he ran to where I was standing. I waved at him, trying to make it seem like everything was normal. "Hey, uh... Y'know Seb's looking for you? I'm not sure why. I think he said something about you going missing, but... No, That can't be right. You're right here. Not exactly hard to find." He said, in a confused tone.

I then got my notebook out of my backpack, and wrote "Oh, yeah. I went missing last night, and my mom got mad at Sebs family for no reason. So, yeah. That's a thing that happened." I then showed the note to Sam, and he responded with "Cool. I guess that means we don't need to send out a search party." Then, before I could even think of a response, he grabbed my hand, and started running. "Where the heck are we going?!" I thought, trying my hardest to keep up and not end up getting dragged across the ground.

Before I could even process what was happening, we ended up at Sam's house. The boy then dragged me into said house, and into his room, where Seb and Abby happened to be hanging out. "Hey, guys! Look who I found!" Sam said in a cheerful tone. "Hey, farmer girl." Abby said, sounding like she had something in her mouth. As I looked at her, I noticed she was eating a... Rock...? After I saw that, I grabbed my paper and pen, and wrote "Um... What are you eating?" to which she responded with "Oh, it's an amethyst. Want some?" I shook my head awkwardly, while thinking "How can she eat that?!"

I then looked over at Sebastian, who just gave me a look that said "This is normal." I then responded with a confused "How the heck is that normal?" look. To which he just shrugged. Soon after that, Sam started talking. "How can you two have a full on conversation with just looks alone?" He asked jokingly. The two of us just shrugged, not even really knowing the answer to that ourselves. "People who hate talking just have their own language, I swear." Abby said with a chuckle, before taking a bite out of her amethyst. "Uh... Okay, anyway, we didn't come here because of the fact that Seb and the farmer might have telepathy...Although that's really cool if so. We came here because said farmer apparently went missing earlier, which... Isn't really a problem anymore, so... Now what?" Sam said. "Make her go missing again so we have something to do?" Seb said in a tone that I couldn't quite tell. What he said sounded like a joke, but the way he said it was about as natural as he usually was, making it seem like... It might not be a joke. But I wasn't sure. I looked at him like "You're joking, right?", to which he gave me a small nod, and a quiet laugh. "They're doing the thing again." Sam said in a somewhat annoyed, but obviously joking tone.

"Could we stop talking about that and move the conversation to something else?"Abby asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "Bu-" "Yes." Seb interrupted Sam as he was about to speak. "Fine..." Sam said, under his breath. "So, Anyway... Did you get the note I put on your door?" Seb asked, turning to me. I just nodded, before he continued speaking. "So, what'd you think? Do you want your family knowing where you are, or do you wanna hide for a bit?" He asked, before Sam piped in again. "Why does she need to hide? It's not like she's running from the cops or something... Unless she is... IS SHE?!" Sam said, sounding more worried the more he spoke. "Nah, just most likely wouldn't wanna be with her... For lack of a better word... 'Weird' family." Seb said, looking at me to see if he was actually correct, to which I nodded. "Oh, come on. They can't be that ba-" Sam started, before he was once again interrupted by Seb. "Trust me, I've seen first hand just how weird they are. It ain't pretty." He said, most likely remembering the one-sided argument my mom had with him, and the fact that M grounded me for a month, just for something that didn't even happen on purpose. "Okay, fine. Let's say that I believe what you're saying about her 'weird' family. What can we do about it? We can't just hide her from them forever, and even if we could, they'd probably get worried eventually, and maybe even get the whole town involved." Sam said. "She could just tell them that she needs some space, instead of making things difficult by hiding." Abby said, rolling her eyes. "Nah, that's not as fun." Sam said, looking like he was actually trying to think of a plan. Abby facepalmed, Seb just looked like he had a headache from how stupid this situation was, and I was just kinda sitting here, contemplating what led me to this point. I couldn't really think of the reason that I ended up in this situation. "Why would I even wanna go into hiding? Seb made it seem like a good idea, and I agreed with him... Oddly quick... Huh... I've dealt with my family for 20+ years. Why is now the best time to try to get away from that? Maybe it's because I've had to deal with it for so long, and I've actually gotten sick of it at this point? I don't really know. Maybe I'll just stick with these guys for now, and see what happens." I thought. "Hey, Seb! What if, when people start looking for her, you just bring her to that little place that you sometimes talk about. That place you usually go when you wanna be alone?" Sam asked, before Seb almost immediately answered. "No. I don't want other people going to that place. I say I go there to be ALONE for a reason." He said, with slight anger in his voice. It's not really often that I see him get mad, so it's a little off-putting to say the least. "Okay, dude. Chill. It was just a suggestion." Sam said, before glancing at me, hoping for some kind of confirmation that what he said might have been a good idea. In return, I just gave him a subtle, awkward smile. I honestly didn't know what to think of what he said. What was this place that they were referring to? Why did Seb get so mad when it was brought up? I was curious, but at the same time, a part of me just didn't wanna know.

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