(Chapter 14: That's the spirit!)

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(Fall 26)

"Am I really ready for Spirit's eve tomorrow? There's a lot of things I don't like about it. There's gonna be lots of people, It'll be really dark out, there's a lot of creepy decorations all over the place. It just doesn't seem like an event that I'd wanna go to." I thought, laying in bed, staring at the costume that I wore the last time I went to a Spirit's eve celebration, back in Zuzu city. It was sitting at the opposite end of my room, staring directly at me. It was a ugly bootleg Sonic the hedgehog mascot costume that, to this day, I still question why I even bought it in the first place. "I hate that thing..." I said quietly, before putting my pillow over my face.

Unfortunately, my moping was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket, and looked at the text from Sam and Abby.

(Text conversation)

Rock eater🪨: Hey, Willow! You going to the Spirit's eve celebration tomorrow?

Super saiyan🛹: It'll be fuuuuun~!

Willow🐤: IDK. I don't really wanna wear my costume in public.

Super saiyan🛹: ???

Rock eater🪨: Uh... What are you talking about? You don't need to wear a costume.

Willow🐤: What? Y'all don't wear costumes for Spirit's eve around here? I used to do that every year back in Zuzu.

Rock eater🪨: Yeah... No. That's not a thing here.

Rock eater🪨: But... What were you planning on dressing up as?

Willow🐤: *sends a pic of the costume*

Super saiyan🛹: Oh my Yoba, It's Sanic!

Rock eater🪨: Why do you even have that?!

Willow🐤: IDK. But now I'm happy that I don't have to wear it.

Super saiyan🛹: Now I kinda wish we just didn't tell you that costumes weren't a thing around here.

Willow🐤: Well, I'm happy you did. Bye for now.

(End text conversation)

I sat up on my bed, finding happiness in the thought that I didn't need to wear that big old costume. "I'm lucky someone told me ahead of time. Now I don't have to go to the festival looking like an idiot. On the other hand, no one would have known it was me, unless someone somehow managed to get the head off the costume. But I'm still happy I won't have to deal with that." I thought with a quiet chuckle.

I then decided that it might be a good idea to at least dress up a little bit, so I wasn't stuck wearing my usual outfit that consisted of a light blue T-shirt with a red hoodie worn over it, blue pants, and purple boots.

For the festival, I decided to wear a black T-shirt that had a skull on it, and some black shorts. I figured that it was fine not to change my boots, since purple seemed to be a pretty fitting color for Spirit's eve.

After getting my outfit ready for tomorrow, I got ready to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of today.

I started things off by checking with B to see how he was doing with the stuff at the community center (According to him, things were going well). After that, I decided to feed some of the animals that B or M haven't fed yet. Once I got into the chicken coop, I noticed a little black chick that was just sitting on the floor, minding its own. "Huh. I guess I haven't been here for a while. The last time I saw you, you were still an egg." I thought, looking down at the little ball of black fluff. I then crouched down next to it, and gave it a pat on the head. It chirped happily in response. "I wonder if M or B have given you a name yet." I said to the small chicken, before texting B, asking "Hey, does the little black ball of fuzz in the chicken coop have a name?" to which he quickly responded with "Yeah, her name is Killer!"

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