(Chapter 3: Secret penpals)

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After a while, things got to a point that M actually forgot that I was even friends with Sebastian, because it's been so long since I've seen him. M even told Demetrius about what happened. I don't know why she decided it was a good idea to tell him, of all people, but she did. So, I was just stuck in my cabin, playing video games by myself. That is, until a little paper airplane flew through my window. "Huh?" I said, picking up the paper. After looking at it for a second, I noticed that it was from Sebastian. "Hm... I wonder what this is about." I said, before starting to read the note. "Hey, Willow. Are you mad at me for some reason? I haven't seen you in a while, so I just kinda figured that you didn't wanna hang out anymore. It's fine. I can still hang out with Sam and Abby, but... I don't know. I guess I was just wrong to assume that we were friends. -Seb"

"Nonononononono! No. Yoba, please. NO!" I thought, holding the paper tightly in one hand, while covering my mouth with the other. I had no way to tell him that I still wanted to be friends with him... That is, until I thought of an idea. I quickly grabbed a paper out of one of my drawers, and started writing.

(An hour later)

"Finally. Done!" I said, looking at the letter that I wrote. "Now, I just need a way to get it to him." I thought. After a few minutes of thinking, I finally came up with a plan. "I'll just sneak over there while my mom isn't looking." I thought, before sneaking out of my cabin, and onto the mountain trail.

Once I got to Robin's house, I had to think of a new plan. "Sebastian practically lives in his basement. How am I supposed to get this to him without his parents seeing me?!" I thought.

Funny enough, just as I was thinking that, I heard footsteps, heading out the door.

I quickly ran beside the house, where they couldn't see me, and watched Robin and Demetrius walk out of the house. "Perfect!" I thought, before sneaking into the house, and making sure Maru wasn't there. Once I got to the basement stairs, I yeeted my little paper plane down the stairway, watched it hit the door, and then booked it out of the house, and back to my cabin. Luckily, no one saw me. I once again flopped onto my bed. I was out of breath after running all the way home. "I hope he sees that." I thought, as I drifted off to sleep.

(Sebastian's POV)

"Well, I guess I'm back to only having two friends. Heh. That didn't last long." I said to myself, laying in bed after delivering that letter. "I wonder what caused this..." I thought, before closing my eyes, and laying there, silently.

After a few seconds, I was jumped out of my thoughts, after hearing something hit my door. "What the heck?" I thought, sitting up, and looking at the door. Soon after I heard that noise, I heard someone, or something, running out of the house. "What... Was that...?" I asked, slowly getting out of bed, and going toward the door. While I walked to the door, I happened to look at my mace, which was sitting under my desk. "Not this time." I thought, before looking away from it, and opening the door.

I looked around for a bit, before seeing a paper airplane sitting on the floor. "Oh." I said, picking up the paper, and unfolding it. "Huh. It's from Willow. Was that what that running noise was?" I thought, looking at the paper.

I then went back to my bed, sat down, and read the letter. "Seb, I'm so sorry! It's not your fault that I haven't been able to see you in a while. Mom was just mad that I got hurt, and grounded me for a month. I honestly don't know why... At the moment, you're my only friend in the whole valley. If that wasn't the case, the only other living thing I'd have to hang out with would be Apollo. He's cute, but I'd still end up feeling kinda lonely if he was the only one I was hanging out with. I'm sorry that there aren't easier ways that I can communicate. My mom thought it was a good idea to get us landline phones, but I don't know how well that would work for either of us, considering the fact that my mom told your parents about my situation. I guess we're just stuck being secret penpals for now. -Willow"

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