(Chapter 4: hooked)

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(Willow's POV)

Once again, I wake up to the sound of a rooster, screaming it's lungs out. "I don't condone animal abuse... But..." I thought, as I dragged my tired body out of bed. As I stood up, I felt like I had stepped on something. I looked down, and "A paper airplane? Or... What used to be one until I stepped on it." I thought, before picking up the crumpled paper, unfolding it, and starting to read. "Hey, it's me again. You probably wouldn't have noticed this for a while, since I tossed it to you while you were sleeping, but... I just wanted to check in, see if you were doing okay after what happened last night. I heard you made a new friend. That's pretty cool. Um... Anyway, I'm running out of paper, so... I guess I'll write to you again later. -Your penpal, Sebby." I snorted when I saw the signature. "Sebby? Isn't that what his mom usually calls him? I thought he hated that nickname." I thought, trying to keep myself from laughing too hard.

After I got done looking at the letter, I hid it in a drawer where I cept the other one, and started writing one back. After that was done, I thought to myself. "Maybe I'll do some stuff before I actually send it to him." Then went outside, thinking of something to do.

After some walking, I eventually ended up at the mountain lake. "Hm. I guess I could try to do some fishing." I said, pulling my fishing rod out of my backpack. I then sat down under a nearby tree, and cast my line into the water. "I've never been good at fishing, but I guess now is a good time to practice." I thought, before I felt a tug on the line. "Oh!" I thought, reeling in whatever it was that was on the end of the line. After pulling it out of the water, I noticed what it was. "A frog?" I thought, before getting ready to try to get it off the hook. "Okay, little bud. I'll try to do this without hurting you." I whispered, watching the little green animal wiggle around. Luckily, after a few seconds, I was able to get it off. "There you go." I whispered to the frog that was sitting on my hand.

After sitting there with the frog for a few seconds, I noticed that it was looking at something that was directly behind me. I paused, fearing what it was, and gave the frog a fearful look while thinking "if it was a threat, you would have hopped away by now... Right?" And just after I thought that, the frog did just that. It hopped into the water and swam away. At that moment, I felt my heart stop... And then I heard a deep, slow, raspy voice right next to me. "Whatcha doing?" I wanted to scream, but nothing came out, so instead, I closed my eyes, and swung my fishing pole at whoever was behind me. I felt it hit something, and heard a loud "Ow! Hey! It's just me!"

After opening my eyes to see who... Or what I had hit, I dropped my fishing pole. "Oh no." I thought, seeing a familiar black hoodie... which now had a fishing hook stuck in it.

(Sebastian's POV)

I fell to the ground, caught by surprise (And a fishing pole) after what had just happened. "Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen today... Or ever." I thought, right before I felt a sharp pain in my right arm.

I looked at my arm, only to notice that there was a hook sticking out of my hoodie. I tried to pull it out, but as I did, I felt another sharm pain. Only then did I notice the slight tint of red on a small part of my sleeve. "Oh..." I thought, realising that the hook wasn't just stuck in my sleeve. I then slowly made eye contact with the girl who hit me with a fishing rod, and said in a somewhat fearful, but joking tone "Heh. Looks like you caught me." I tried to hide the pain with a... Somewhat awkward smile... It clearly didn't work. Willow looked at me with a fearful expression that someone would give if they had just accidentally taken someone's life. Even though what she did to me wasn't nearly as bad. But boy did it hurt. "Hey, look. It's not nearly as bad as you think." I said, still trying to keep the smile on my face as I made another attempt to pull the hook out. "Ow. Nope. Can't do it. I guess I'll just have a hook stuck in my arm forever." I said in a sarcastic tone before thinking "what if I wasn't the one to pull it out?" I then gave Willow an awkward look before asking "Hey, can you pull this out for me?"

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