(Chapter 16: Trying to dance away the sad vibes)

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(Spring 5)

Today, I spent a good chunk of time chilling in the sewer with Krobus. It was Friday, meaning that they weren't gonna be speaking for the whole day, which was honestly fine by me. I thought it would be a fun idea to adopt their little Friday tradition, and also stay quiet for the day. I was by no means religious, but I didn't see a problem in not talking for a prolonged amount of time, and Krobus seemed fine with it as well.

While I sat down there with them, I would occasionally get texts from Sam, talking about how happy he was to finally have his dad home. Kent may have come home on the first of spring, but that didn't stop Sam from talking about him almost nonstop. From what I learned from Sam, Kent seemed to be a pretty nice guy..! Well... Not counting the few changes that happened to him while he was fighting in the war.

At one point, Sam mentioned a time when his mom was making popcorn, and had to stop because of how badly Kent reacted to it. From the looks of things, it seems like Sam's whole family isn't taking Kent's return as well as they'd hoped. Even little Vincent knows that there's clearly something wrong, but he's not quite old enough to quite understand what it is. So, he's stuck with his father yelling at popcorn, and he has no clue why.

Well, at least Kent came back home in one piece... At least... Physically.

After a while of spending some quiet time with Krobus, I eventually made my way out of the sewer to go do something else.

The first thing I had in mind was to clean myself up a bit. Because, well... I smelled like a sewer...

(Small time skip... Because TMI...)

After cleaning myself up a bit, I decided to just go on a walk around town. That is, until it started to rain.

And that's when I got an idea.

I had heard a rumor a while back, about someone who apparently shows up on the beach, but only when it rains.

So, I decided to see if there was any truth to this rumor.

I was bored, and couldn't think of much else to do, so I made my way down to the beach, and sure enough, after a bit of walking around, I happened to notice someone who I hadn't met before.

I slowed my walk a bit however, when I happened to notice something... Off... About this man.

He was almost transparent. As if he was... A ghost?

At first, I was a bit taken aback, until I remembered all the other weird things that I'd seen in the valley, and realized that just seeing a ghost wasn't that bad in comparison, so I continued walking over to him.

As I got closer, he began to speak. "Hello there, young one. I take it you're... Looking for something?" he said, giving an expression that I couldn't quite read, so I simply nodded.

"I can see that sparkle in yer eye, Kiddo. Ye must be head over heels in love with someone. Would I be right to assume that?" He said, tilting his head a bit.

My face turned red, as I remembered the rumors, and the reasons why people would seek out this... Person... Before nodding once more. "I've got this old amulet to sell... If you're interested." He said, holding out a necklace with a beautiful blue shell hanging from it.

I just looked at it for a bit, before taking my notebook out of my backpack, and writing "How much?"

After looking at what I had written for a few seconds, the old man looked up at me, and said "It's 5,000g. Ye still think it's worth it, Kiddo?"

Once again, I was a little taken aback after hearing the price, but nodded after remembering that I had about 6,000g on me at the moment.

I then got the money out of the pocket of my hoodie, and handed it to him, and soon after, he handed me the necklace.

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