(Chapter 12: Fun at the Stardew Valley Fair)

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(Fall 9)

It may have been a few days since Seb and I became a couple, but I still couldn't get what happened out of my mind.

For some reason, I still didn't have it in me to tell my family about this. Who knows how they'd take all this? Just the thought of me dating someone would probably freak them out. "I don't care what they'd think. I'm happy to actually be in a relationship, and I won't let anyone ruin that for me." I thought happily. I was in a good mood, and I planned to ride that high. At least until the Stardew Valley Fair... Hopefully...

"Okay, the fair's in just a few days, but I should have time to get some stuff together for the grange display. I've been preparing for the past few days." I said to myself, before B barged into my house, and yelled "You will NOT believe what i found to put into the grange display!"

I slowly turned to look at him, with an unamused expression, before jumping when I saw what he had. A pair of purple boxers. "W- why- what th- Who's are those?!" I stuttered loudly, before he responded "The mayor." With a smug grin on his face.

"What th- DUDE! Do you know how much trouble we'd get into if you put THAT into the grange display?!" I asked angrily. "Yeah, but it'll be fun!" He responded.

I paused, and sighed, before saying "Okay... Tell mom that I want nothing to do with the grange display this year." with my hand over my face.

"Alright... UGH! You're no fun." B said, walking out of the house.

As he left, I happened to look down, and noticed that B accidentally dropped the mayor's boxers on the floor. "Eeeewwww! Mayor undies." I thought, before taking out my phone, and going on snapchat.

(Text conversation)

Willow🐤: I have a question for y'all... What do I do with this?

Willow🐤: *sends a pic of the purple shorts sitting on my floor*

Rock eater🪨: Uh... Who's are those?😐

Super saiyan🛹: Seb, are those yours?😳😏


Super saiyan🛹: They're ✨P u r p l e.

Super saiyan🛹: And they're at Willow's pace, so...😏

Emo frog🐸: ... IDEK how to respond to that...

Super saiyan🛹: So? Are they?😳

Emo frog🐸: NO!😡

Willow🐤: Um... They're the mayor's...

Super saiyan🛹: What were you doing with the mayor?😳

Willow🐤: NOTHING! My brother brought them in, saying something about putting them in the grange display.

Super saiyan🛹: Hold up, I'm dying.🤣

Super saiyan🛹: What?😂

Willow🐤: You'll... See eventually. Just know that whatever happens, I had nothing to do with it.

(End text conversation)

I put my phone in my pocket, then looked down at the boxers on the floor. "I... Definitely don't wanna touch that." I said, before going outside, and yelling to B. "Dude! You dropped something!" I said, before he ran into my house, without a word, and ran back out with the boxers. "Well, that takes care of that." I thought, before going back inside.

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