Chapter 1

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I sat on my bed, clutching my knees, shaking, doing my best to keep the tears in, to not allow what they had said to be true.

"H-how...could they?" I said, voice weak.

How could they have ignored me?

How could she had said that?

What did...what did I do wrong?


The guild was loud and noisy like usual, although this time it was because of a party Fairy Tail was hosting.

People from many guilds came just to dance, get drunk, flirt, like normal. Heck, even people who weren't Mages came!

If they could sneak past security.

The occasion?

Fairy Tail's long lost and thought dead member, Lisanna, had returned.

Lucy pushed through the crowd, desperately searching for Natsu? Where was he?

She searched the largest crowd, with a lot of "excuse me's", "sorry's", and "oops I stepped on your foot!"

And, in the spot light, was a Mage with short white hair and a curvy figure, grinning.

With Natsu right beside her.

"Hi, everyone! My name is Lisanna~" she winked at a few guys in the crowd, who all earned sharp glares from Natsu.

Lisanna spotted Lucy making her way through and smiled deviously.

"Hey! You! Lucy! Come up here!" The take-over Mage shouted, waving.

The blonde mage began to fluster.

"O-oh, I can't, I--"

She earned many boos from the crowd, pushing her up and into the spotlight.

Lisanna glanced at Lucy, as if she was studying her. As soon as she looked away, she poked Natsu, trying to get his attention.

"Hey, Natsu, I--"

The Celestial Mage was cut off by a annoyed glare from the Dragon Slayer, making her flinch.

This wasn't like Natsu.

The party went on all night, it raved and never seemed like it was going to stop.

Music boomed, the karaoke line was out of the guild, and booze and drunk people were all over the floors.

Yet everywhere Lucy turned, someone seemed to give her a disapproving, disgusted look, as if she were a piece of gum stuck to a shoe.

Finally she spotted a friendly face.

"Hey, Erza!" She called, only to see the scarlet-haired Mage turn around, give her a small, forced smile, then return to whatever it was she was doing.

What was going on with them?

'Maybe it'll be better in the morning,' she thought with a sorrowful frown.

As she turned to leave, someone grabbed her arm. Lisanna.

"Hey, Lisanna!" The blonde cheered, fist pumping the air, trying to stay peppy.

Only to receive yet another glare from a person, this time Lisanna.

"Listen, blondie, stay away from Natsu for your own good, okay?" She hissed in her ear, no one able to hear her except Lucy over the loud music.

She then gave her a friendly smile and walked away.


I dug my nails into my skin, the tears beginning to escape and slip down my cheeks.

Crying isn't going to change anything.

Crying isn't going to make them want you more.

Plu appeared in a beam of light on his own will, looking at me concerned.

"Pu!~" He exclaimed, nuzzling into my leg.

"I'm sorry, Plu." I said, rubbing his head as he tried his best to comfort me.

I'm sorry.


I strode into Fairy Tail smiling, after all, today was a new day.

Last night was just a mess up. It wasn't wrong for them to all want to be around Lisanna, considering she'd been gone for so long.

I saw Natsu over by the request board, carefully studying it.

"Hi Natsu!" I shouted.

No response.

Walking over to him, he didn't do so much as turn around.

I poked him on the shoulder lightly. "Natsu? Do you want to go on a job?" I asked, hopes rising.

He looked at me scowling. "You can't even do a job if you're not a Mage."

"But I am a Mag--"

"You can't do a job unless you're a good Mage." He said, restating what he had said just seconds before, then turned his attention back to the board.

Furrowing my eyebrows with frustration, I hurried off only to run into the Ice Mage, Gray.

"Hey, Gra--"

"Lucy." He said with an arched brow, and a hint of disgust.


His eyes narrowed into cold, icy slits.

"I can't believe you'd do that to Lisanna," he said then began walking away, his shirt missing.

I spotted Erza, in the corner or the guild eating a strawberry cake.

She looked up to me as soon as I approached.

Taking a deep breath she turned around to not face me, before I could even say anything.

My shoulders sagged in a depressed way all the way home.


The next day was like this. Then the next, and the next, and the next.

It hurt having your friends ignore you like this.

Was this how I was going to spend my life? Being ignored by the people I care about? My own father.

My room was dark, and I sat cold and all alone, stifling tears.

I heard a knock and ran to get the door.

Erza was outside, and just by one glance you could tell she was serious.

"Erza!" I greeted excited.

"Lucy, you know that Team Natsu strives to be the best and strongest team, correct?"

I paused. "U-uh...yes?"

She nodded, continuing, "and each of our members fight for the good of the team and the good of the guild?"

"Yes." I said this time more confidentially.

"So you understand that we'll be kicking you off the team?" She said it so casually, with a real poker face.

Meanwhile I felt like I was about to cry.


Clearing her throat, and spoke, "after what you did to Lisanna, even Master will give you a suspension from the guild for harming another guild mate."

"Harming? I didn't do anything to Lisanna! I swear it!"

She gave me one long glare before spinning on her heel and walking away.

Meanwhile I stood there, on my doorstep, in shock not even noticing the tears that began to run down my face.

I had just been kicked off Team Natsu, a place that I had called home.

What next?

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