Chapter 4

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I jumped up, narrowly dodging an ice beam from Mistral.

"Glacier pummel!" I shouted, hitting Mistral right in the stomach, the dragon's weakness was their soft underbelly. He winced and the attack sent him back a bit.

"Wow you're stronger than I anticipated," he muttered under his breath.

"Ice Dragon's claw!" I shouted once again and threw myself at him, clawing him. His blue, icy blood began leaking out.

He winced again, and I could tell the attack had hurt him.

He shot me a glare, and the battle raged on.


2 hours had passed, and we were both steadily running out of energy, exhausted from the lack of magic power.

"Glacier dragon's roar!" Mistral shouted, and the attack hit me head on, slamming me into the rock wall.

I screamed in pain, but refused to give in. Blood began to trickle out of my mouth.

Mistral jumped in the air, preparing to attack me, but I took this chance and clawed him in the stomach good.

He fell back onto the ground, clutching his bleeding stomach and roaring in pain.

"Ice Dragon's wing attack!" I said, attacking the wounded dragon.

After the attack, Mistral was barely moving. He looked up to me and said, "I've never seen a human with such power, not even your mother. You have passed the test." And with that, he fell into a deep slumber.


The years passed and I slowly began to develop a hatred for Fairy Tail and all the members in it. I'd even stopped using my Celestial Spirits, for I was not to be weak and hide behind them, so what Natsu had said to be would not be true.

I was learning all sorts of magic, Dragon Slaying Magic, some Demon Slaying, and even Lost Magic.

So each day I grew stronger and stronger. Why?

To prepare for my revenge on Fairy Tail.


Wiola sat beside me in her human form.

"Wiola?" I asked.

"Hmm?" She replied, staring into space.

"Why do you hate humans so much?"

She looked at me, her once friendly face dark and grim. "Because once they found out about your mother...they tried to kill her..." She murmured the last part softly.

I sighed. "Should've known. Anyways can we go back to the human place?"

She looked at me and grinned. "Do you have some friends you'd like to meet up with?"

I laughed. "You could call 'em that."


(Natsu's P.O.V.)

It had been 5 years since Lucy left.

The guild was still the same, it was as if no one had noticed her disappearance, not even Gramps.

Lisanna clung to me a lot now, as Cana would say, like the smell of booze after a hangover.

Suddenly the guild door was slammed open, revealing two hooded figures.

Out of suspicion I ran up to them, tossing Lisanna off my arm. "Who are you?!"

"We need to speak with your master," the one in the dark red cloak stated plainly.

While the other one in the black coat just scoffed out of disgust. "Dragneel."

I growled at the one in the black coat. "You can't just go bargin' into our guild like tha--" but I was cut off as a beam of light shot out of the black coat's hand, slamming me into the wall.

I felt a cool red liquid seep out.

(Lucy's P.O.V.)

I smirked as I slammed Natsu up against the wall, while Laila, in her human form, just sighed.

"What are you doing?!" Erza shouted as she began to draw her sword.

"You can take this one," I told Laila as I walked up to Natsu.

Just as I was about to say something, Master interrupted me.

"Who has hurt my children?!" He roared as he began to grow, larger and larger.

"Cancel," I murmured under my breath and suddenly Master shrunk back to his usual puny size.

I could feel his glare on me. "State your business, then show yourself."

"I wish to fight with Dragneel. If he can defeat me, I will reveal my identity." My voice was cold.

I watched as Natsu spring to life as I said the words "fight".

"You're on."


"FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" Natsu yelled, and a pillar of flame came hurling at me, only for me to eat it much to Natsu's and the crowd's dismay.

"Floral Dragon's Vines!"

The roots of trees and other plantlife around them suddenly grabbed Natsu and began to strangle him.

The roots squeezed him, tighter and tighter. Just when Natsu was about to be out of breath, forever, I canceled the spell and Natsu dropped to the ground, face first.

A few people watching the battle gasped. "The hooded person could've easily beaten Natsu! They're just playing with him!" Someone shrieked.

Natsu got up, wobbling.

As he was in the air, about to attack me, I used Air Dragon Slaying Magic to change the direction of the wind to slam him into a rock platform I'd built.

For a few minutes he didn't move, I couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

I turned around, walking away. "Too easy," I muttered under my breath.

Too soon.


I tried to dodge, but it was too late. The attack hit me head on, quickly burning my coat, reducing it too ashes.

I heard Natsu gasp. ""

Turning around, I glared at him. He held out his hands, preparing to hug me. "If you do so much as touch me, Dragneel, I'll reduce you to ashes." I motioned to my coat.

Laila ran up to me and took off her coat, and her long golden hair waved slightly in the wind.

Lisanna ran up to Natsu, holding out her arms to protect him.

Although she wasn't very threatening.

"Are you...are you going to rejoin Fairy Tail?" Natsu said, his voice hopeful.

"Come back to a place where you install false friendship and false protection into my mind? No thanks." I scoffed before adding, "plus I already burned off my mark, with my own magic."

"Lucy? You're back?"

I turned around to face Master. "And I expected you, of anybody, to at least believe me. I didn't hurt your precious white haired prostitute, but mark my words, I can."

I saw Lisanna recoil a bit of being insulted.

"Now good day. Laila, let's go." I began to walk away, Laila tagging behind me.

I could still tell they were watching me walk away.

And I could tell they wanted me, wanted me back now that I was powerful.

It felt good.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I had this chapter already written but it deleted itself because of the server! So sorry, it's not that great. But thanks for reading! It'll get better soon.

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