Chapter 2

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I began packing quickly, shoving my new designer heels into the bag without a second thought.

They don't need me.

And even if they do, I won't be there for them. Like exactly what they did to me.

Suddenly I heard yet another knock and I ran to get it, hoping silently it was Natsu or another guild mate.

But it wasn't.

Instead it was a woman, maybe 5 or 7 years older then me, with long purple hair that ended by her knees and large, clear eyes, that were faded and cloudy.

"Hello," she said, waving to me and giving me a wide smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry about the mess, it's just--"

She shook her head, interrupting me. "No, believe me, I already know, Lucy Heartfilia. And I've been waiting for this day."

"You have?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

She nodded, and her face grew grim. "I've been waiting for the humans to betray you, Lucy." Her voice was full of hatred, although she quickly covered it up with yet another smile.

"Now, come with me." She began to walk away, probably expecting me to follow her, but I grabbed her arm.

"Yes?" She asked, looking to me.

"I can't go with you, I'm sorry. I don't even know you."

She looked shocked, as if this was news to her. "You mean...she didn't tell you? You don't know who I am?" Her voice was rising steadily.

"What do you mean? And how do you know my name?"

She sighed. "Your mother. Why didn't she tell you? Was she trying to protect you? She couldn't possibly expect you to live, and thrive, in a world of humans without knowing who you are."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know. And my mother...passed away a long time ago," my voice began to falter.

"Lucy, you want adventure, right? You want people who need you and admire you, correct? Or do you want to stay a replacement, living here pitifully, leeching off their attention?" Her words were harsh, and they hit hard.

Whoever said words don't hurt was probably brain dead.

"I do want to go with you," I whispered quietly.

She began to smile again. "Good. Come with me. Everything will be explained in the realm."

And suddenly a portal of light appeared and I stepped inside, not at all prepared for what was going to happen next.


I looked around and couldn't help but gasp.

It was beautiful.

Large, odd colored trees and other plant life grew everywhere, and mountains reached up, scraping the clouds.

I looked around to find the woman, but she was gone, and all I saw was a large Dragon with wings the color of amethyst and large, white eyes.

Before I got the chance to scream, she spoke.

"It's okay, Lucy. It's just me. Oh, I never did introduce myself, did I? I'm Wiola, the dragon of the forest." Wiola looked at me, her white, pupiless eyes sparkling with kindness.

"Now, come meet the others," she dipped one wing down, allowing me to climb on her large, scaly back.

As soon as I climbed on, we flew off, her large wings beating in the air, unaware of the dangers that lay ahead.

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