Chapter 13

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(??? P.O.V.)

How had I gotten myself into this mess? All I wanted was Natsu to notice me, to love me.

But all had gone wrong.

I'm...I'm so sorry, Natsu. I don't want to kill her, the one you adore the most.

But I have to.


(Lucy's P.O.V.)

The guild was at full party mode in the inn, after all we were in first place.

And tomorrow in the GMG was a leisure day, so we could party as hard as we wanted.

Laila stumbled over to me, barely able to walk, her face flushed. "What...what is this marvelous beverage? *hic, hic*"

She held out a cup full of beer. "Laila exactly how much of that have to had to drink?"

"Only...only 10 glasses...your highn..." She didn't even finish that sentence because she face planted into the ground and began to snore.

Looking up, Natsu winked at me, a cup of beer in his hand.

Well, at least I knew Laila's supplier.

Ignoring him, I grabbed Laila's arms and began tugging her, to get her into a bed.

But instead I felt a hand settle on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't know she would get drunk so fast we were just trying to have fun and--"

"Leave us, Dragneel." I spat, doing my best to conceal my blush.

"Can't I at least help?" He motioned to Laila's slumbering self.

"I don't need your help..." I muttered. "Because I am no longer weak."

He shook his head. "Even the strong need help sometimes, Luce."

I could feel small tears threatening to fall, at the sound of my old nickname, and remembering old memories.

"Don't call me that!"

Natsu opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but instead let out a sigh of defeat and shuffled away, head hung low.

I paused. "N-Natsu?"

He looked back at me, his eyes glimmering with hope.

"Y-you can help...yah know, a little..."

Grinning like a child, he ran over to me and at once picked Laila up bridal style and carried her all the way to her room.


I awoke as the afternoon sunlight streamed through my window.

That's right, the afternoon.

Laila stumbled into my room, clutching her head tenderly. "Your highness, I don't feel so well. I feel as if I may cough up all the food I consumed last night."

"It seems as if dragon girl has a hangover."

She looked at me confused. "What's a hangover? Is it an illness?"

"In a way, yes. But if you are going to barf, don't do it on me. Do it on Natsu or in the trash."

"Why me?" A groggy voice from the ground next to my bed whined.

Looking down, I began to get furious. "What the hell are you doing here, Dragneel?!"

"Last night you said it was okay if I slept here, since you felt as if someone was watching you."

I shook my head, trying to recall the memory, but it was all fuzzy.

"Someone was watching you, your highness?" Laila said, sounding concerned.

"No, no...I must've just been a little tired..."

The two, Natsu and Laila, did not seem any less concerned, even with my reassurance.

"Dragneel, get out of my room." I demanded, breaking the silence.

He looked as if he was about to say something, but slowly nodded his head and reluctantly left.

Laila said nothing for awhile, just looked at the ground, still holding her head.

"I'll go get you some Advil, okay, Laila?" I said, suddenly standing up. "You stay here."

"Wait, your highne--"

"I'll be right back, I promise."

Her face was etched with worry, but she finally nodded and plopped down on my bed.

I ran into the bathroom, where I had left my bag of things, my mind racing. Was someone really watching me? If so, why couldn't I remember? I don't think I touched any booze that night.

As I finally found the Advil, I stood up, preparing to go back into Laila's room, but instead came face-to-face with the one that hated me the most.


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