Chapter 11

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"I don't have to explain to anyone." I stated simply, glaring at them all, especially Lisanna who was grinning smugly.

"Dragon Realm? Does that mean...?"

I laughed. "Yes, I know Igneel. And you, Natsu, have seriously pissed him off."

Natsu looked hurt.

"Laila, why don't you show them your true form?"

Laila nodded, and suddenly began to glow. She then was immersed in a bright light, and steadily began to grow, until she was the size of a dragon...until she was a dragon.

Everyone in front of me seemed shocked, confused, and honestly?

It was enjoyable.

"Now you guys have two options. Option 1: we blow you to pieces. Option 2: you never tell anyone about this and you and your guild gets to live. For now."

I was about to spin on my heel and leave, knowing well which option they'd choose.

"But wait, Lucy--"

I turned around to see Natsu, with a pained expression.


"Who...who are you? You aren't the Lucy I know. The Lucy I knew was kind and caring and--"

"Weak. And 'meant nothing to you'. And 'wasn't a good Mage'. But now, Natsu, I'm stronger. So I hope you and your little pales burn in hell."

Laila, now in her human form, smiled. "Have a great day!"

And we walked away.


(Natsu's P.O.V.)

I have seriously messed up.

That...that person just now? Wasn't the Lucy I once knew, the Lucy I once loved.

It was as if she had died.

And I was to blame.

For all of it.


(No one's P.O.V.)

"She is steadily growing stronger, you must know."

The woman nodded. "King Zeref has been notified. You just keep doing what you're doing, okay?"

The girl also nodded, smiling. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good, Lisanna..."

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