Chapter 17

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The ground collapsed from under us, suddenly my footing was lost, and I was tumbling through open air.

I screamed as well as Natsu and Laila who were falling right beside me.

Right before we fell into the large pit that was once the inn, Laila transformed, and both Natsu and I landed on her large scaly back.

My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily as if someone had knocked the wind out of me. My face was also stinging from the wind that whipped me.

Natsu took a deep breath. "Guess I get to see Laila in her dragon form again."

"Are we, like, not going to talk about what just happened?!" I snapped, anger steadily rising.

"I dunno, Luce, what's there to talk about beside the fact that we almost died."

"Maybe who started it?"

"You two, don't distract the flier!" Laila roared, which quieted the both of us.

Laila flew over the city. Large holes had suddenly appeared, swallowing entire buildings. People began to flow out of the stadium, looking like ants from up here.

"Gray! Erza! Lisanna! Everyone! We...we need to help them!" Natsu cried as he too watched the panicked people run out of the place.

"But Natsu--"

"No! If you won't help them, then I will."

Natsu was about to jump until I grabbed him by the collar and tugged him back.

"There's a difference between brave and stupid, Natsu. If you're going down there, not only are you going to die, but I'm so coming with." I grinned.

"I don't advise this!" Laila said, sounding worried.

"Don't worry. I'm with him."

Laila looked as if she wanted to say something more but then decided against it. "As you wish, your highness."

She then began to do a spiral downwards, toward the ground, towards the danger.


(Lisanna's P.O.V.)

I ran through the crowd, desperately searching for Mira and Elfman, only to be shoved to the ground by panicked civilians.

"Mira...Nee..." I choked between sobs.

This was it, wasn't it?

Because of my foolishness, my ignorance, we were all going to die.

I curled up in a corner, feeling helpless. Why run when there's no where to go?

Why try and survive when we were all going to be killed?

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