Chapter 14

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I was about to let out a gasp of surprise, but Lisanna cupped a hand over my mouth, stifling it.

Now I could've pushed her off of me.

Or elbowed her to make her flinch and allow my escape.

But I did something much, much worse.

I licked her hand.

"KYA!" Lisanna screamed in surprise, her hand flying off my mouth.

"Now just what the hell were you planning on doing to me? Did you really think you'd be able to overpower me?"

Lisanna wiped her hands on her shirt and stuck her nose in the air, as if she were a royal. "That's classified, Heartfailia."

"It's cool when I say it. It just makes you sound dumb when you say it." I pointed out. "Plus I think you mispronounced my name. Should I help you with that, too?"

She looked flustered for a moment but then asked, "Say what?"

"The last name thing."

Lisanna rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I will be going..." She turned around.

Big mistake.

"Floral Dragon's Vine!"

Suddenly magical vines sprouted up from the flooring, and cupped Lisanna's mouth, disabling her ability to scream or even move.

"Now do you...mind explaining?"


(Lisanna's P.O.V.)


I was walking along the streets of Magnolia after Lucy had suddenly reappeared in Fairy Tail, much stronger and much...different.

As soon as she had returned, though, all attention--Natsu's especially--had become focused on her.

I let out a sigh and buried my face in my legs. The tears began to flow, tears of anger, frustration...and sadness.

I loved Natsu. I really did.

So why did he love Lucy? I had even cast that spell from the book of Lost Magic to make sure everyone would ignore her when I returned, in hopes Lucy would leave and never return.

"Such a pretty lady should never be crying."

I looked up to see an unfamiliar face, a man maybe a few years older then I was, with a wide, friendly smile. He offered me a hand which I gladly took.

Wiping my tears, I managed the best smile I could give.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled.

He frowned. "You look troubled. Maybe I can help?"

I shook my head. "No, sadly, I don't think you would be able to."

He flashed me a card that read, 'Niall's Magic Help, to fix all of your Magic Needs.'

It seemed a little too convenient but... Maybe he could.


"Just sigh the contract..."

"The contract? What does it bind me to?"

Niall shook his head, laughing silently. "Oh, nothing important, dear."

I nodded and quickly wrote my name with a few flicks of the pen.


"Since I have helped you with your love troubles by granting you an extra dose of that potion, you must now help me..."

"Help? How?" I asked suddenly, unsure.

"You must kill Ms. Heartfilia..." Niall demanded.


"Her mother long ago crossed the wrong paths...and Lucy is only growing stronger, which I can not allow. Plus, wouldn't you be more then happy to see her dead?"

I took a deep breath. True, Natsu loves her. But I wouldn't want her dead.

"No. I refuse. I will not kill her."

"Oh? Not even at the cost of your own siblings' lives? If you don't kill her, they go."

"But how? You can't beat Mira-Nee--"

"The contract." Niall said, waving the sheet of paper in my face that I had so stupidly signed. "It's a magic contract. If you don't do as the contract orders, it kills the two closest to you, by Zeref's death magic."

"Wait no, you can't be..."

Zeref grinned. "Oh, but I am." Suddenly his body began to be covered in a bright light, like Erza's reequip, and then none other then the death Mage himself was standing before me--not the 'Niall' he claimed to be.

"I am your King, Zeref."

He leaned close to me, and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Now you kill her or your precious siblings die."

"Fine...I'll kill Lucy Heartfilia."


(Lisanna's P.O.V.)

The vines were still tightening on my arm, cutting off the circulation.

"I can't tell you..." I said, trying to wiggle out of the vines, but they only tightened their hold.

"Can't or won't?"

Finally giving up on escape I said, "both."

She let out a bored and possibly annoyed sigh before she canceled the spell.

The vines disappeared and I collapsed on the hard tile floor.


(Lucy's P.O.V.)

"Now get out of here. Also, next time you try and hurt me, why not actually be powerful enough to inflict pain?"

She didn't answer, just scurried out of the room, so I grabbed the Advil and left.


"You took a long time..." Laila said, her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

I let out a humorless chuckle and set the Advil next to her, on the bed stand.

"Nothing happened, I promise." I then have her the best smile I could manage. She looked me over one last time, but finally looked away, content. She then took the pills and swallowed a few without any problems.

After all, I didn't need to tell her, did I? Since it's only make her more worried then she already was.

Plus, it's not like she'd come after me again...

And if she did, I doubt she'd succeed...


A/N: sorry for the sucky chapter, I tried to make it longer then normal. And everyone thank you for all the support and nice comments I've received! Trust me, they help a lot and give me motivation to write! Thanks once again, and happy shipping.

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