Chapter 3

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The wind ruffled my hair, and blew across my face. For the first time, in a long time, I felt happy

Wiola must've seen how happy I was, for she kept taking detours and skimming the lake waters, just to get a reaction out of me.

"This is amazing!" I screamed, laughing wildly.

Wiola chuckled. "Yes, it is, but we should go meet the others first." She said as she slowly halted to a stop and landed in a lush, grassy field.

I stepped off of her, only to feel a bit dizzy, not used to being on my own two feet after flying for awhile on a dragon.

Noticing this Wiola helped guide me to a cave of some sort.

It was large on the inside, and it was cool and damp.

Many dragons were in there, waiting patiently, none saying anything.

One had sharp horns that were a searing white and a long, pointed snout. The dragon glared at me coldy, but still bowed. "Welcome, your highness. I am Mistral, the dragon of the glaciers."

"Your highness?" I echoed, gaining confused looks from all of the dragons but Wiola, who only slapped herself with her wing repeatedly.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" She shouted, still slapping herself.

"Typical Wiola..." A dragon with crisp, golden wings muttered, rolling her eyes.

The golden dragon looked at me, her gaze hardening. "Lucy, you are heir to the Dragon Throne, we've been waiting for you to come of age. Pardon Wiola's forgetful actions. For the time being, you will stay here and train with us, to grow stronger and stronger."

She, too, then bowed. "I am Aurelia, the dragon of the mountains."

A dragon with dark red wings stood up, his eyes gleaming with anger. "And I, your majesty, am Igneel. I am aware of my son's actions; he will pay for them, I assure you."

Finally the last dragon stood up. This one had golden, spiral horns and scales that gleamed nearly every color. Her eyes were a shining light fuchsia. "I am Laila, the dragon of the fairies. I have been trained to guide you since before you were born." She smiled politely before sitting back down too.

I looked at all the dragons carefully, reciting their names.

Drawing a deep breath, "So, let the training begin!" I cheered.


First, I had training with Mistral.

He took me up to the mountains, the very top, where ice and snow had begun to form.

The Dragon was harsh with his training.

"You want to grow stronger, do you not? Strength takes work! Effort!" He barked orders as he made me pull various things up the mountain, forcing me to get used to the cold.

After two weeks training I was used to the cold, he began teaching me spells. Dragon Slaying magic.

I sat still on the ground, feeling the wind rush past my face, hearing every snow flake fall to the ground.

It was hard and at times boring, but he taught me well.

By two months time, I'd learned it.

He smirked at me. "You really are Layla's daughter. No one but her has ever been so determined to learn so fast and so much."

I smiled. "Thank you."

He looked to me. "You know what this means, correct? In order for you to continue your training, this time with Wiola, you must fight and defeat me in battle."

He gave me another smirk. "Ready, your highness?"

I nodded. "Let's go!"

Authors note: I'm going to start the next chapter with the battle scene, sorry if it's not great! I hope you all enjoy!

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