Final Chapter

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Natsu threw the first punch, and his flaming fist hit me in the cheek, making me slam into the ground.

"I thought you were stronger than this, Luce." He sneered, smirking.

"Natsu," I said, voice cracking as I tenderly patted my cheek.

He kicked me in the stomach but I did not fight back, just lay there limp, like a rag doll.

"Fight back!" He demanded, his voice rising. "I won't." I said softly, preparing to receive yet another attack.

"You're so stupid, yah know that?!" He hissed, giving me a sharp kick in the gut that sent me flying back into a tree.

The force knocked the wind out of me, and I could feel blood begin to run out of my mouth.

But I wouldn't fight back.

I couldn't.

I received each beating willingly, only making Natsu angrier.

"STUPID WENCH!" He brought a flaming fist down on my head, shoving it into the ground. The dirt tasted grainy, but it helped clot up the blood.

Zeref watched the fight in amazement, before finally speaking. "You know the only way to save your friends and defeat me is by defeating him."

Raising a weak head I saw the guild, they were all still on the ground, unable to move, but watched our fight. Wendy had begun to cry, Carla was right next to her, and could do nothing to comfort the young girl.

Erza had buried her head into the ground, not wanting the view the fight.

Nearly our entire guild was sobbing, but Zeref's Magic kept them from standing up and interfering.

One person stood out to me, though.

Lisanna watched me wide-eyed, tears beginning to form.


Lisanna looked at me and smiled, her eyes soon gaining her usual cheerful glint. "So we're going to go back to Fairy Tail?"

I chuckled, as if there was no simpler question. "Of course we will!"


I looked up at Natsu, who was about to throw another punch, but I grabbed his arm, disabling him.

He grinned. "Finally going to fight, weakling?"

I could feel tears threatening to fall, but I refused to show weakness. "NATSU!" I screamed, and threw a punch, my hand covered in ice.

Ice Dragon's Pummel.

He fell back, taken by surprise. I swallowed as I watched him fall, refusing to cry.

I wouldn't.


Natsu grabbed my hand with a sudden force and pulled me close to him. He was trembling greatly, as if he'd been crying.

"N-Natsu?" I asked, rather startled.

He looked at me, his eyes darting around the room, until they finally settled on mine and began to relax.

"Luce, do you believe in me?"

I nodded without a second thought. "Of course I do."

After all, he was Natsu. I had trusted him with my life so many times, it was just second nature. Natsu was always there to protect me, to stand up for me, to fight for me.

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