Chapter 9

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"Lucy, you have never been anything to any of us. Whenever we need you in battle, you are never there. I can't believe I ever even let you on the team."

I could feel hot, wet tears beginning to slip down my cheeks.

"Ha! Even right now you're weak!"

"But Natsu, I--"

"But Natsu nothing, Lucy. You are nothing to me."

And with that he slammed the door and left, leaving me alone crying in my room.


"Lucy?" I awoke to see a worried Laila hunched over me. "You look stressed."

"No, just a bad dream." I said with a shake of my head.

She smiled. "Thank goodness! Because today is the Grand Magic Games!"

"Wait, what?!"

Laila tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Never mind, it's only training for the next few weeks. But after those weeks, then it's the GMG."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Shall we go train in the realm, your highness?" Laila cooed.

"Laila I asked you to stop calling me that!" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Yes, your highness," she giggled. "But shall we?"

I nodded and proceeded to open the portal. "Gate of the Dragon Realm, I open thee!"

Little did we know someone was watching us.

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