Chapter 12

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"AND MISS LUCY FROM FAIRY TAIL B WINS YET MORE POINTS FOR HER TEAM!!!" The announcer shouted, nearly jumping out of his seat.

I smirked at this and watched Flare collapse to the ground.

Walking back to the stands, the cheers of the crowd made me quite happy, although the mopes of Lisanna were what made me the happiest.

"We now have one last special round for today's games! Each team shall send out one team mate and they will all be randomly selected to face off against the other team's selections. All of these pairings will be battling at the same time, in the same arena. START THE ELIMINATION ROUND!"

I turned to Laila. "Ready?"

She grinned, as if there was nothing that'd make her happier. "Yes, your highness!"

I rolled my eyes as she said this, but made no comment as I watched her run into the arena, ready to win.


(No one's P.O.V.)

"Laila, the mysterious new beautie of Fairy Tail will be fighting against..."

Suddenly Minerva appeared from the shadows, wearing her usual smirk. "Me, Sabor Tooth's finest."

The announcer then turned to the other pairs to tell them to the crowd as well, meanwhile Laila and Minerva stood there, the tension only rising.

After a few minutes had passed, and the announcer had begun to run out of air he shouted finally, "LET THE MATCHES BEGIN!"

And so they did.


Laila made the first move.

She jumped into the air, a glowing orb suddenly appearing in her palm. "Celestial Dragon's Slam!"

Then the golden orb shot across the field, aiming for Minerva, who vanished just as the orb was about to hit.

The orb instead hit the ground so hard a large hole was formed.

Laila cursed mildly under her breath.

Then Minerva reappeared, right behind her. "Goldie~" she cooed, before making a tight hold on Laila's arm, and tugged her down, slamming her into the ground.

"N...o..." Laila managed to huff between breaths as she stood back up, unscathed, much to the crowd's and Minerva's shock.

"We're ending this. Now."

Minerva looked as if she was about to say something snide, but never got the chance to.

"Celestial Dragon's Special Attack: Starry Death!"

A beam of light was shot out of Laila's mouth, and everyone was blinded for a few minutes: for everything was immersed in a light so bright it hurt to do so much as open your eyes.

When the light finally died down, Laila had not just beaten Minerva, but everyone else who had been battling in the arena at the time.



(Lucy's P.O.V.)

I laughed as everyone looked completely stunned, especially Fairy Tail A, since their precious Erza, (who was chosen to fight), was once again lying on the ground fainted from another of Laila's attacks.

"And the winner is Fairy Tail B's Laila..." The announcer muttered, probably upset the fights were over so soon.

"Thank you!" Laila exclaimed to the now cheering crowd as she walked out of the arena and up to me, smiling wide.

"Jeez, Laila, don'tcha think you overdid it just a little?"

Laila rolled her eyes. "I assumed she'd be just a tad stronger, that's all."

"Laila, if you hadn't noticed, everyone here are people--not dragons." I said the last word nice and slow, that way Laila would get even more flustered.

"Your highness, you are annoying sometimes..." She whispered under her breath, faint, but not faint enough.

"Why thank you."

She let out a sigh of defeat. "Shouldn't we be going to the inn, your highness?"

I nodded. "Let's."


(Erza's P.O.V.)

I lay in the infirmary bed, next to many others who had to join me due to Laila's attack.

"Er-Chan, is this the book that you'd requested?"

Looking up I noticed Levy holding out to me a book with a glazed cover and a picture of two Mages fighting. It read "The Art of Dragon Slaying".

I nodded. "Thank you."

She shook her head. "No problem!" The little blue-haired Mage then turned and left, not wanting to wake any slumbering patients.

I flipped through the books pages, each crisp with age.

Until I had finally landed on the one I'd wanted.

Celestial Dragon Slaying

List of attacks:

-Celestial Dragon's Special Attack: Starry Death. When using this attack the user casts a bright, blinding light that stuns it's foes and then strips them of magical energy, at least for the next few hours or possibly days. The only known magical being that has possessed this magical ability is Laila, the Celestial Dragon.

I didn't even to bother reading the rest of the passage, or the other attacks.

Because I had finally figured it out, how Lucy had suddenly acquired such powerful Dragon Slaying Magic and how she opened "the gate to the dragon realm".

Laila was an actual dragon.

That thing at the portal Lucy had opened when Laila had turned into a dragon wasn't just some shape shifting magic.

But what I wanted to know was...who else knows?

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