Chapter 7

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(Lucy's P.O.V.)

Master cleared his throat, getting the attention of all the guild members. "As you all may know, we have two 'new' members, Lucy and her friend--"

"Actually I'm Laila, I hope to get to know you all!" She said with a wave, interrupting master.

"Laila. Anyways they will be starting their own team, The Celestial Dragons. With them both being as strong, if not stronger then S-Class Mages, that makes them the strongest team in Fairy Tail."

I felt the glares of Team Natsu members, and I couldn't help but grin.

The crowd began saying various things.

"They only have two mages?"

"I wonder how strong they are!"

"Stronger then Team Natsu? And Lucy's on the team!!!"

I couldn't help but smile at that, too, only to have Master clear his throat once again.

"I also have another announcement to make. We will be participating in the Grand Magic Games!"

The guild went wild, with whoops and other shouts of joy.

Master laughed. "Now, now," he said, calming them down. "We will be entering two teams--Fairy Tail A and Fairy Tail B."

He looked at Team Natsu. "Fairy Tail A's members are: Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lisanna and Elfman."

"Did you hear that, Lisanna? We're on the same team! Now that's MANNN!" He screamed, high-fiving his sister.

"And Fairy Tail B's members are Lucy and Laila."

I fist pumped the air, although the rest of the guild was confused.

"Only two members?" Someone shouted.

Master sighed "yes, two members. They're both extremely powerful Mages."

"I'll be the judge of that!" Erza shouted, suddenly in her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Lucy, if you're so strong," Erza hissed, "then fight me."

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