Chapter 6

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"Y-you....did you just..." Lisanna stuttered, clutching her red cheek.

I began to laugh. "By the way, Lisanna, you should learn how to fight," and then I leaned in close to her ear, "who's the weak one now?"

The entire guild was silent for awhile, but then returned to their daily activities.

Except for Natsu.

I could feel his gaze still on me. "Miss, shouldn't we join the guild? To further continue our plan?" Laila asked when we were out of earshot.

I began stroking my chin, pretending to be some evil mastermind.

"Why yes," I said looking at her, "we should."


"Same place and color?" Master asked before stamping a pink guild mark on my right hand.

He then turned to Layla. "And where'd you say you want yours?"

She grinned. "Golden and on my left thigh."

Master happily stamped it there, being the pervert he is.

And so the plan begins.


Natsu ran up to me as soon as I'd stepped out of Master's office. "So you did rejoin! I can't believe this! Want to join our team again?"

"No." I said bluntly. "After all, I only join teams that have Mages."

"But I am a Mag--"

"I only join teams that have good Mages."

With that I walked away, Laila scurrying behind me, leaving a confused Natsu behind.


"You want to form a team? But you only have two Mages!" Master said.

I narrowed my eyes into cold, icy slits. "And these two Mages can beat your entire guild in two minutes flat," I hissed.

Meanwhile Laila was staring off into space, watching a butterfly.

He sighed. "Fine. And your team name?"

"The Celestial Dragons."

Laila suddenly looked up, startled, and I could tell she was giving me a disapproving look.

Master nodded, signing a piece of paper.

"Now scurry along to the guild hall. I have an announcement to make."

Laila and I did what we were told. She gripped my arm, her hold surprisingly tense. "The Celestial Dragons? Very creative, Lucy."

I sighed. "It's not that big a deal. It's not like anyone will find out."

(Natsu's P.O.V.)

Find out what?

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