Chapter 18 ("special" chapter)

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This is a special chapter, well was going to be, before I found out that I couldn't really add any good useful videos to the chapter. So, if you still want full enjoyment out of this chapter, you can play the song "Say Something" when asked to do so at the special part. (It'll be in bold). You don't have to, but it's recommended! Anyways if you do it please comment because I'd love to hear reactions about to part. Also, make sure you wait for the words of the song to come before actually reading the special part. Sorry for my long rant and happy reading!

Natsu and I landed on the ground.

I landed gracefully, on both feet. Natsu, however, face planted. Like an idiot.

"Natsu! You ruined our moment!" I hissed while helping him to his feet as he rubbed his sore head.

"What moment?" He asked, still tenderly patting his head.

"Our cool moment."

"The both of you, hurry!" Laila thundered, making us remember what our real goal here was. "I'll go look for the rest of your guild mates, so I'm leaving this place to you both."

The two of us looked at each other and nodded. No words needed to be exchanged to know what was said.

"All for Fairy Tail."


We ran towards the stadium first, where people were screaming and running.

Rocks plummeted to the ground beside us, forming new holes as the stadium itself began to fall apart.

A young girl tripped while a rock was flying towards her. Natsu quickly destroyed it though, in one swift movement. I paused to watch and couldn't help but smile as he helped her up. He was an idiot, but he could be sweet, too.

I suddenly heard sobbing.

Not the sobbing of just anyone, but my dragon senses helped zero in on one voice.


I suddenly sprinted off in the direction of the noise. "LUCE!" Natsu yelled, and I barely managed to hear him over the roar of the crowd, the sound of breaking rocks, and boulders barely missing civilians.

He took a step forward, as if to follow me, but I shook my head hoping he'd get the message.

I then ran, narrowly dodging rocks that began to tear the ground beneath me to shreds.


Lisanna was curled up in a corner, crying. Her entire body was trembling as she sobbed into her knees.


She looked up to me, her eyes red and puffy. "Are you...are you here to punish me? To kill me?" She sniffled. "Please do it quickly." Her voice was frail, her eyes dull, like she'd lost all hope.

"What is wrong with you, giving up like this? Aren't you a Fairy Tail mage?"

The pitiful white-haired Mage began to cry harder, the tears flowing faster. "You don't know who we're up against, Lucy."


"We're up against Zeref..." She whispered, and I was hardly able to hear her quiet voice amongst her sobs. "And he's going to kill us all."


(Zeref's P.O.V.)

I watched as they ran helplessly crying and I almost pitied them, these poor, powerless humans. So frail and so delicate.

I watched Lucy carefully, and I could see anger flicker in her eyes as my poor servant Lisanna dare utter my name.

Soon, Lucy. Soon the deed would be done.

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