Chapter 8

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I smiled. "Why of course, Titania."

She flinched as I said this; either surprised that I'd call her that or surprised I'd even accept.

"Take this outside..." Master grumbled.


"Heaven's Wheel Armor!"

She then shot swords at me, although I stood there, unmoving. "Cancel..." I whispered and at once all of the swords thudded to the ground.


Suddenly a beam of golden light hit the all mighty Titania, and she fell to the ground, heavily wounded.

I saw Laila in the stands, and I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't I have all the fun?

"Laila!" I whined.

She chuckled. "She's too easy for you, Princess."

I grinned. "I won't argue with you on that."

The other people in the stands all watched their Titania's unmoving body, mouths agape.

"And the winner is...Laila?" Someone said weakly.

She smiled, her golden hair sparkling. "Thank you everyone for watching!" She cheered, smiling.


"Master, I apologize for wounding myself by underestimating Lucy and I don't know if I'll be able to join the Grand Magic Games." Erza motioned to her bandaged self.

Master let out a heavy sigh.

"I guess we'll have to rely on Team B."

Erza looked shocked and somewhat hurt. "Remember, we still have Gray and Natsu on Team A! Why do you count us out so fast? Plus Natsu is nearly as powerful as an S-Class Mag--"

"But Lucy and Laila are about x10 as powerful as an S-Class Mage. Just look what Laila did to you with one attack."

"How do you know this? So what, she beats me in one battle, in one!"

"She was offered a position in the Wizard Saints. First position."

Erza paused. "W-what?"

"So I believe I know. Anyways, good day, Erza." Master huffed, then proceeded to shut the door--in her face.


I grinned after eavesdropping on this conversation.

My plan was going well.

Author's Note: bad chapter, I know, but still I hope you all enjoy! Thanks!

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