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Salimat’s pov

12:15 pm

Salimat stared up at the ceiling, she had been lying like this for hours, she looked at the wall clock and it read 12:15 pm, she hadn’t left her room since in the morning, not after Najib abandoned her at the early hours of the day, important meeting her foot.

Her stomach growled noisily, she rubbed her tummy and pouted, she hadn’t eaten throughout the day, well her mental health was more important than food or so she thought anything than facing the two she monsters down stairs, anything.

She was surprised they hadn’t already barged into her room raining havoc, like king kong and Godzilla, honestly no disrespect to either of her favorite monsters.

She was tempted to call one of the helps to bring something up for her to snack on, but deep down she knew that would just cause more problems for her and also she didn’t want to appear like the scared little girl, she was.

She picked herself up and carried a big black veil wrapping it around herself like an armor before leaving her room.

She hesitantly went down the stairs and made her way to the kitchen, she could hear laughter coming from the kitchen and her heart sank like the titanic.

"Asalamualaikum” she greeted as she entered the kitchen.

"finally princess Salima is awake’’ her mother in law said tauntingly, sipping from the mug she held,  barely glancing  at Salima.

"Masha Allah, queen Salima, I thought you would sleep the entire day away” Dije said giving her a disproving look.

"Ina kwana Mama” Salima greeted her mother in law respectfully, ignoring their remarks.

"Now my mood is ruined, we will continue our conversation later my dear” Ramatu said smiling at Dije, ignoring salima, she pick up her mug and the book she placed on the counter and left the kitchen.

Salima stared at her mother in-law’s retreating back silently, little part of her longed for a little bit of affection from the woman.

"Oh dear Sallie, now that I can see you in day light you have let yourself go” Dije said in a disapproving manner coming to stand in front of her,

"You look paler than usually dear and those freckles are getting really bad, I must say mummy would be really disappointed after she has invested so much in your skincare”  she continued.

While I just stood there staring at her, saying something, stand up for yourself, do something Salima, the she devil inside me nagged, but my mouth remained shut.

She laughed evilly walking away, while I quickly made a snack for self and went to my safe place, a little part of me ashamed for not standing up for myself.

Same day

Najib’s Pov

“Well Mr Najib all your test results are fine” the doctor said flipping through my file,

"But according to what you said I would strong you advise you to avoid or at least try to limit your stress or limit being in stressful situations” the doctor finished.

I just stared at him silently, not replying.

"See Mr. Najib, you have managed your disorder so well for so many years and I belive if you avoid certain triggers, you will be fine”.

"Ok Doctor I will take my leave now” Najib nodded and left the doctor’s office, well this was certainly a waste of time he thought.

He quickly went about his day eager to finish his work so he could get back to his beautiful wife, well if the she devil and her sidekick serpent haven't gotten to her yet, a thought which made him worry.

Hey me again, please ignore any typos, I am sorry. thank you for reading my book,I really appreciate.

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Ps: pls follow by business page rattan_culture, thank you, love you guys, kisses.

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