A real date

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Salimat pov
6:19 pm

Shamed? Disgraced? What an understatement she thought as her cheeks flushed hot, no what a first impression to give to her Mother in-law, the woman probably hated her already, despised her, Oh God what an understatement yet again.

What a first kiss though, she thought smiling as her fingers slightly brushed her tender lips, her cheeks flushing even hotter if that was possible, she probably  looked like a tomatoes.

This was his entire fault, why can’t he just let her be, leave her alone, who did she offend? God how was she going to look at her mother in-law in the eyes, how? Oh God her thoughts were so scattered, what to do? What to do?

"Calm down Sally" Najib said startling her.

She turned to glare at him, "when did you get here……No No did you say calm down? How can I calm down after what just happened your mother probably hates me" she said pulling her hair.

"Don’t worry about my mother Salimat,it's not her you need to impress, it's me just calm down the feeling will past" he said winking at her.

"next time we will be more careful of our surroundings I promise", he continued leaning on the wall and crossing his arms.

"You wouldn’t understand Najib it’s a girl thing" she complained hyperventilating. "And no there isn’t going to be a next time Najib because I am never letting you anywhere near me again" she concluded harshly, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"excuse me?" he said coming to stand in front of her.

"you have forgotten so soon, well it’s my pleasure to remind you that you are MRS Najib Muhammad Lawal, My wife so trust me there is going to be a next time my dear, now get dressed, wear something casual" he instructed turning to leave.

"Where are we going to?" she asked,collapsing on her bed in defeat.

"It’s a surprise, you have 20 minutes to get ready", he said walking out.

Salimat prayed maghrib prayers since it was already time then quickly scanned through her wardrobe and finally after what seemed like hours, she picked a blue jeans and a black long sleeved T-shirt which had “rocky’ sprawled on in, in white cursive letters.

Putting on a matching black turban and matching black sneakers, she stared at her reflection in the mirror one last time before taking a deep breath and heading out the door, she tip toed down the stairs trying to avoid being heard, she was in no way ready to face her mother in-law, she quietly sneaked out the house then squatted behind one of her husband’s cars, hiding  away from sight, the sky was already dark but the security lights were already turned on so she had no problem navigating her surroundings.

"What are you doing", a male voice whispered from behind her causing her to jump in fright. She turned around to find her husband standing behind her.

'Stop doing that, don’t do that do you want to give me a heart attack Najib?" she grunted patting her chest, at the area where her heart was situated.

"what are we hiding from?” he questioned amused.

'Nothing" she said glaring at him.

"Ok if you say so, get in the car" he instructed, unlocking the car and getting in, she got in after him still glaring at him.

He placed the car into gear and drove out the compound, they both fell into an awkward silence or rather she was awkward he didn’t seem to care at all, after a few minutes she spoke up.

"Where are we going Najib, hope you aren’t trying to kidnap me" she teased trying to lighten the mood.

"you will see", he chuckled, turning to stare at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes, she narrowed her eyes at him but kept her peace, after what felt like hours of driving they finally came to a stop in front of a large black gate, Najib horned twice before the security guard came running, Najib rewinded down his window and waved at him.

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