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Next day
Kastina emirate
King Umaru’s pov

Prince Najib’s decision had deeply pleased me, it was unexpected and I didn’t know how he met or even knew about salima, but finally my daughter’s salvation had come, she would be finally free from my mother’s cruelty.

Dije would be upset but she would get over it, no one will be able to stop me from ensuring that this marriage took place In sha Allah, Umaru thought with determination .

At that exact moment, the doors to his chamber were pushed open and Yarima Najib walked in.

"good afternoon your highness", Najib greeted going down on his knees in respect.

"Welcome Yerima Najib, come sit beside me", king Umaru said gesturing to an empty chair beside him.

"please call me Najib, your highness’’ Najib said taking the sit, making Umaru smile.

"so Najib, what do you know about my daughter Salima"

"well not much your highness, but from our brief encounter, I have found that she is a beautiful and intelligent young lady, very free spirited too, let’s just say I have grown fond of her" Najib said smiling a little as he reminisced about his time with Salima.

"how did you meet her? she is really introverted" Umar questioned.

"By chance your highness, if you would humor me I think it might be faith's way of saving me from the other one’

"by the other one you mean Dije I suppose" the king side raising an eyebrow, while taking a sip from his cup tea, which he had retrive from a small table in front of him.

"yes that one" Najib said reflexively.

"You aren’t fond of Dije then?" the king asked

"Dislike is a much appropriate term" Najib answered seriously, making the king chuckle.

"You aren’t even scared I might get offended, you are very outspoken" Umaru said amused.

"well I am a politician" Najib shrugged.

"well that aside let’s move on to the more serious questions, aren’t you…….disturbed by Salimat’s skin color?" the king asked seriously.

"why should I be?" Najib asked confused.

Umaru sighed in relief, Alhamdulillah Najib didn’t seem to have the same crude ideas as his mother, maybe just maybe, Salimat have found a respite from the hardships of this world and the evil acts of his mother.  

"Ok then its settled" Umaru said stretching out his hand which Najib grasped in a firm hand shake.

"Now the wedding"………..

Same day
Salimat’ pov

Salima had just finished her Isha prayers and rounding up her duas, when Dije barged into her room, her face was twisted in a angry scowl and her eyes were red and swollen as if she has been crying for hours, making Salima's sink in dread, but she still got up to welcome her sister.

"Ya Dije, good evening" salima greeted meeting her elder sister half way.

Dije sniffled as she approached her younger sister aggressively and handed her a hot slap with all her might.

"you filth whore" Dije accused .

"what……what…" Salima said dazed nursing her now Bruised cheeks.

"You behave so innocently but you sneak around behind people's backs like the snake that you are, I should have listened to Grandma when she warned us about you" Dije continued.

"I didn’t do anything, Ya Dije, wallah…." Salima said sobbing.

"will you shut up or should I slap you again" Dije threaten.

"you good for nothing whore, you seduced my fiance, I wonder how he could fall for something as ugly as you….".

"that’s enough!"

They both turned to where the voice had came from to see their mother standing at the door way.

"Umma, she stole him from me" Dije spat crying, making Salimat cry even harder.

"Calm down Dije go to your room, I will come to see you now" their mother instructed calmly.

"oh please, spare me the pity mother, we all know you will support Salima because she is your favorite" Dije sniveled, pointing an accusing finger at Salima.

"I said that is enough Dije, go to your room now!’’

Dije casted an annoyed look at their mother, then turned to glare at Salima one last time before stamping out of the room.

Salimat collapsed to the floor, sobbing in confusion, "what offence have I committed to make Ya Dije so angry Umma?" she asked perplexed.

"Now now Salima don’t mind your sister, she is just hurt" Aisha said sitting beside her daughter, "because Prince Najib picked you over her" she continued.

"who is prince Najib?"

"Dije's fiance or should I say your Fiance…….’” Aisha answered.

What her mother had said finally sinked and realization dawned on her ‘”no no no Umma no no no no I'm how could he, I don't even know who the Yerima is,  I can't believe this is happening", Salima said panic and anxiety taking over as she rocked back and fro, her mind racing to find some kind of solution to the predicament at hand.

"do something Umma, Dije would be so heartbroken, I don’t want to get married now Umma’’ she pleaded.

"There is nothing I can do Salima, your father has already made up his mind, and I am afraid the only person that can cause him to change it is Najib himself’’ Aisha said sighing in defeat.

"but look on the bright said, all this discrimination you are facing will be history, you are going to settle in Abuja with your husband and In Sha Allah he will be good to you, I think this is Allah's way of answering our prayers Salima"

"but Umma I don’t even know who Najib is, Inalilahi Grandmother will kill me" Salima said sobbing.

"Your Grandmother can do you no harm Salimat, at least not anymore and he claims you two have met before, so lighten up this is what Allah has destined for you" Aisha said trying to cheer up her daughter.

"what sort of destine is this, maybe I am really cursed Umma, Ya Dije is so hurt, I really didn’t mean to, I don’t want to get married and no one can make me Umma" Salima sobbed, her mind wondering back to the handsome young man she met on the balcony, could he be the Yerima and if he was, why didn't he tell her?, she thought curling up into a ball and laying her head on her mother’s thigh.

"I am afraid there is nothing you can do about it but pray Allah gives you the best my love" Aisha advised running her fingers through her daughters hair.

Hey guys
Ramadan Mubarak
I edited the first 6 chapters, so you guys can check it out if you want.
Any who stay home and stay safe lovelies.

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