Seduction at its worst

260 30 2

Same day

5:16 pm

Najib's Pov

Najib stared at his wrist watch, while stirring the noodles he was cooking, Salimat would be back home soon and indomie seem to be her favorite this day, very spice indomie, he wanted her to come home to a hot meal and an even hotter husband, he thought smirking to himself, and they could have her spicy noodles together.

He stirred and flipped the noodles like a professional that he thought he was, dancing expertly from one foot to the other, just then he heard the house door open and a delighted smile lite up his face.

"guess who decided to show up, snow white the fairest of them all" he said, laughing at his own joke, there was no response to his jest but he brushed it off and continued talking.

"Guess what I am making? Your favorite spicy noodles, you know I am a great cook, hundred yards".

Just then Najib felt a pair of hands on his back, the moved slowly down his back, then under his arms and continued their journey from his abs and up his chest. A prickling over took him and little goose pimples formed up his arms, immediately he knew what ever or who ever was standing behind him was not his wife.

He calmly turned off the gas cooker and held both the intruding arms in a firm, almost painful grip, he heard a faint whines before he turn around, he came face to face with one of the she devils he had inherited through marriage, he increased his grip on her arms to a bone crushing force and watch her face twist with pain which gave him a very satisfying feeling deep down, he waited till tear began to form in her eyes before he pushed her away roughly.

Dije's Pov

Dije's back hit the island behind her, causing her to hiss in pain, Najib stalked towards her with a predatory look on his face, shiver shot up her spine, her heart pounded against her ribs, her palm got sweaty and little bead of sweat formed on her fore head, she was nervous and afraid but kept her brave face on and force a seductive smile which quickly drop from the disgusted look. He got into her personal space, till the tips of their noses were almost touching.

"I don't know why you chose to bring my worst self out to the surface every single time, a part of myself I have chosen to bury, I promise you men have gone through much more severe punishments for far less offence" he snarled at her.

Dije gulped in fear but pushed the feeling down, she opened her mouth to say something, her logical self-had assured her would be fatal.

"com on Najib, give a girl a little kiss or two, I promise you no one would ever know, I know deep down you know we are meant of each other, if you are kiss good I might even forgive you temporary lapse in judgement".

She watched as Najib face transformed from anger, to pity and settled in disgust, did really find her so repulsive, just then she heard the front door open, distracting Najib for a second, she took the opportunity and grabbed Najib, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss.

"Ya auzubillah, what is going on here" She heard S gasp from the kitchen door.

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