The witching hour and an abduction.

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Maryams pov

Finally the event came to a close and everyone was busy trying to say their farewell to the hostess and her husband.

Maryam turned to her husband, well everything is set and my part of the deal is done, they are just waiting for me to give the green light, what about yours? she asked.

Maikudi eyed her before , I have signed the divorce papers, it in the first drawer on the right, in the desk, in my study and so is the cheque, I left it open for you and here is the unofficial one he said digging out a folded paper from his blazer and handing it over to her, I swear if anything goes wrong Maryam, I will...

oh please, my plan is perfect, the ball is now in your court, play it well, if there are any hiccups its totally your fault Maikudi, so dont you dare threaten me. she hissed at him, snatching her saki paper out his hand, good bye Maikudi, I hope to never see you again she said, standing and walking away.

Maikudis pov

He watched her retreating back before standing up himself, quickly heading for the exit, the hall was practically empty now and the hosting couple had already left, he walked to the parking lot, his body guards closely behind him, his chauffeur quick opened the car door on sighting him, he entered the car and pulled out of the parking lot just as swiftly, his team was on their A game today, he thought smirking, he pulled up his sleeve, staring down at his wrist where his watched was situated which read 3:00am on the dot, not a second more and not a second less, the witching hour he thought, his smirking turning into a full on evil grin, it seem like even the devil was on his side.

They drove for some minutes before they caught up with the couples' vehicle, which like Maryam said was park at the side of the road, in the exact street she had mentioned, but to maikudi surprise they were alone, no bodyguards, no entourage nothing, it seemed to just be the couple and their chauffeur.

Maikudis entourage parked right behind the vehicle of his soon to be victim, a pang of doubt and worry fluttered through him he was a smart man, this was obviously too easy, a part of him wanted to shoutout a command and tell the driver to keep driving, but the whispers of the devil filled his mind, when next would he get a chance like this? when would she be this close to his grasp? his to have, his to keep! His little secret hidden away, just for his eyes alone and a chance to get rid of Najib, one of his greatest political foes, to kill two birds with just one stone, a mixture of lust and greed made his blood boil, so close and despite his better judgement, he allowed his driver and his entourage park and he stepped out of his car.

Maikudi watched as the door of the car opened and Najib stepped down, holding what seems to be a file/documents.

Hello senator Najib he greeted in a cocky manner.

to what do I owe the pleasure Najib said sarcastically.

well, well come now, I saw your vehicle stranded by the side of the road, and I thought maybe yourself and the gentle lady might be having some car troubles, so I thought to offer my services, now that this no way to talk to a good Samaritan like myself Maikudi mocked, adjusting his blazer and inching closer.

what makes you think, we would need help from an old bat like yourself, now run along, go back to the hole you crawled out from Najib snickered, waving him off.

Maikudi growled, with anger but quickly covered it with mocking laughter, he will soon get what is coming to him, be patient he thought. I would have taken offence in that but I wouldnt because of the fair lady and her condition, where is she anyway, I would like to kiss her hands and thank her for being a gracious host.

you mean for an event you crashed? Najib sneered, glaring at the older man, like the rat that you are, an unwanted disease infested pest, you are not touching my wife and unborn child with such filth, now leave, you stink and it irritates me Maikudi Najib said in disgust.

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