Dancing with the devil

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Same day
Najib’s pov

“That’s not the clothes I pick for you” Najib said immediately their car left the compound.

Salimat shrugged “I didn’t like the one you picked” she said looking out the tinted windows of the black BMW.

He cocked one of his perfect bushy eyebrows at her but decided to let it go just this once,

“you look beautiful” he said still staring at her like he was bewitched.

“Thank you” she said blushing at the compliment.

The drive continued in heavenly silence well it you exclude the consistent complains Najib made about the bad road and how he will use a helicopter the next time he had to travel to Minna.

They finally arrived in Minna after 5 hours of suffering and went straight to the venue Najib was to have his meeting.

“Senator Lawal” an elderly man with a protruding tummy and gerying hair waved at them before walking towards them briskly.

“Alhaji Kabir Ndako, long time how have you been?” Najib said accepting his hand shake in greeting.

“This is my Wife Salimat” he said introducing her.

They exchanged pleasantries and laughed at silly jokes, before Alhaji Kabir entrusted her to his wife, who was an advocate for women and children rights, while Najib followed Kabir into the venue of the meeting.

Salimat pov

Salimat followed Hajiya Amin to a parlor like room in the same compound, they seated and chatted about a lot of things including Salima’s skin and the sitgma involved with it, snacks, drinks and food were brought in an they both took turns praying, they later exchanged numbers after Amina talked her into joining her NGO and made her promise she would be a voice to those who had same skin issues as herself and are suffering in silence, time flew by and before they knew it the sun was setting, yet their husband were nowhere to be seen.

“this meeting is taking too long o" Hajiya Amina said glancing at the clock in the corner of the room, just then a fair skinned lady walked in she wore a suit comprising of a white shirt, a black jacket and a mini skirt, her hair was braided with attachment and she packed it into a tight pony tail, she wore light makeup but her red lipstick made a statement.

“MRS Lawal?" she asked staring blankly at Salimat.

“Yes” she answered s bit unsure.

“Your husband has requested for your presence please come with me”.

Salima stood up to follow but Amina quickly stopped her, “are you sure you want to go with her?’’ she asked.

Salimat let out a short laugh, “what is she going to do kidnap me?" she joked.

“you have no idea naïve little girl". Amina whispered but not loud enough for anyone to hear, salimat left with the lady and she lead her through a maze of hallways before they arrived at their destination, she pushed the door open and gestured for Salimat to go in.

Salimat felt uneasy but she went in anyways and turned to face the lady, “he will be with you shortly” she said before closing the door and leaving.

Salimat looked around the room, it was a huge library, she quickly texted her husband about the woman and she where she was just in case, after that she placed her phone back in her bag and explored the room.

After what felt like several minutes the door finally opened and someone came in but the new occupant went unnoticed because Salimat was totally engrossed in a book she had taken from one of the shelves.

“have anyone ever told you how beautiful and flawless you look when you are concentrating so hard, totally mesmerizing” a voice whispered so close behind her, startling her and causing her to jump in fright, the book she held went down with a thud.

She turned quickly her hand against her ribcage in an attempt to calm her racing heart.

She Looked up at the familiar face of the intruder, "you scared me" she said accusingly.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to", he apologies almost immediately.

“I know you” she said again.

“Oh don’t tell me you have forgotten me so easily” he said using his hand to cradle his chest.

“Yes I remember Alhaji Maikudi right?” she said finally identifying the face.

“Oh thank God you remembered” he said smiling brightly, his smile unnerved her; there was just something eerily about it.

“Oh what are you doing here?" she asked taking a step back in an attempt to put some distance in between them.

“Oh I am here to attend the seminal” he answered taking a step forward as she took one back.

That move scared the wits out of Salimat, she eyes darted to the door, her escape, he stood between her and her escape. Najib words from the last event they attended together whispered through her mind.

"I should be going”, she said trying to bolt but he quickly blocked her, his hand wrapping around her upper arm, he was so close she could feel his breath on her skin, the feel of him touching made the hair on her body raise, his touch made her skin crawl.

"No stay” he demanded.

“don’t touch me’ she said trying to pull free but to no avail, instead he pulled her closer, his arm snaking around her waist, he rested his head on her and sighed in pleasure.

“Let me go she” she screamed trying to break free from his iron like grip.

“Shuuuuu I have wanted to do this ever since I met you Salimat, I love you salimat, and I will treat better than any man would, be mine salimat” he whispered to her, his hand held her jaw in a tight grip forcing her to look up at him, his gradually coming down to meet her halfway, he was going to kiss her and there is nothing she could do about it she thought at bitter tears came spill from her eyes and her struggles furit less.

Just then the doors kicked open and in walked a very angry Najib.

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Stay safe.

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