Without Melanin

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Kastina emirate
The palace
Queen Aisha's quarters
3:25 am

The Dark sky was occasionally illuminated by the lightening which accompanied the rain pouring heavily, wild angry wind beat against windows and doors trying to force its way into the warm cozy homes of the indigenes, even the stars that normally shone brightly, twinkling and taunting people with their arrogant beauty were now invisible.

The wind could almost drown out the feminine pain filled screams that seemed to permeate the atmosphere within short intervals, this screams came within a heavily guarded tall walls which were designed by various carvings and drawings that told the stories of the old and young stories of the past and present, stories of culture and tradition……

Within this walls stood a luxurious palace and within the palace Queen Aisha’s quarters where situated, her room was lavishly decorated to befit her status as first wife and queen of King Umar shehu king of the kastina emirate

Only 3 individuals were within the room at the moment, the Dowager Queen, Queen Habiba her mother in law, a midwife and herself.

Queen Aisha screamed again as another wave of contraction hit her, she grabbed onto her pillow and tried to breathe slowly.

"I can see the head your highness, just a few more pushes". the midwife said encouragingly.

"Well done Aisha, you are doing well", the Dowager queen said emotionlessly with her usual poker face dapping Aisha’s forehead.

"Arrrrrrg" Aisha grunt as she pushed hard and at that exact moment a strong healthy baby cry filled the room as her baby slide free from within her.

"Congratulations my Queen it is a boy". the mid wife said excitedly wrapping the baby in a shawl to keep him warm

"let me see my grandson". Dowager queen said stretching out her arms, with a ghost of a smile she took the boy into her arms staring down at him, "well done Aisha you have made me proud yet again by producing another prince, well-done…."

Aisha just nodded, smiling at her son whom was in her mother’s in law arms, she tried to sit up, but was knocked back down by an excruciating pain similar to the one she has just been experiencing previously, she turned to the midwife worriedly, "what is wrong with me" she said in agony .

"My queen you are have twins", the midwife said excitedly, returning to her previous position, ‘just push like have been doing’” instructed the midwife.

"But I am so tired’’, Aisha complained close to tears as another wave of contraction hit her again.

"Hush now Aisha you must remain strong and have your second child" Queen Habiba scolded.

After a few hours of grunting and pushing, her second baby was born, the baby’s annoyed shriek filled the room yet again.

"Congratulations my Queen, you have a baby girl" the midwife said with less enthusiasm, still staring down at the baby.

"a girl", the Dowager said smiling a little, she handed her grandson to his mother for feeding, "give her to me", she instructed stretching out her arms to receive her second grandchild, but the midwife remained motionless after wrapping the child in her shawl.

"what is the problem", Aisha said worriedly, sitting up and trying to get a look of at her daughter.

"Your highnesses………..", the midwife said hesitantly.

"Will you spit it out" the Dowager Queen said getting irritated.

"The princess seems to be without Melanin", the midwife said staring at the Queens worriedly.

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