Paris en flagrant delit

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Najib's residence


Salimat stared at her husband, then at her sister, Dije, her emotions morphed from disbelief, to anger, annoyance and finally settled on irritation, her expression reflected her emotions, she sneered at Dije before letting out a mocking laugh, she clapped her hand, sarcastically applauding the scene before her.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked no one in particular walking towards them.

"It's not what you think Babe." Najib explain, maintaining is ever calm exterior, his face remained expressionless, but his eyes, the window to his soul told of something else entirely, worry and fear of being misunderstood by the love of his life scrabbled his thoughts, much like a tornado reining havoc.

"shhhhh" Salima gestured for him to remain silent, "you" she said turning back to her sister, "what do you think you are doing?" she asked raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at her sibling.

"Ya Dije, why are you so shameless? Why do you refuse to respect you age? I want you to pack all your kaya and leave my house this instant or I will physically have you removed" Salimat threatened.

"wallahi baki isa ba, ga yarinya dai raini, kina da hankali kuwa" Dije said, screaming in false bravado.

"Get out of my house" Najib said in a calm yet deadly tone, his rage evident.

"You will pay for this Salimat, with your life I promise you that" Dije sneered glaring at her sister.

"Dije you should count yourself luck that you are related to my wife, if not I would have had your tongue ripped out of your mouth" Najib said glowering at the she pest in front of him.

The mad look in his eyes inspire a new brand of fear in Dije, a warning tingle ran down her spine causing the little hair at the nape of her neck to rise, goosebumps covered her arms and legs, the ration part of her conscious advised her to cut her losses and run in the opposite direction, but ego with tea spoon of greed and a pinch of stupidity allowed her to keep on rabbling, she most after all have the last word, a little bit of victory will take her mental her a long way.

"I will be back" Dije said lamely, hissing before fleeing the scene.

Salima turned to focus on her glare on her husband, "how could you allow her to come so close Najib, I thought you treasured your personal space" she said with an essence of annoyance.

"Come on Baby" he said smiling down at her, he closed the distance between them and grabbed onto her waist. "I thought she was you" he explained, placing a soft kiss on her for head and another on the curve of her neck trying to diffuse the situation.

"ohhhh!! So now you can't tell the difference between I, your wife, the soon to be mother of your child and Dije now?" she said in mock anger.

"I didn't mean it that way" he answered frowning down at her.

"I know, I know and I trust you Najib, don't worry", she said smiling up at him in return.

Relief swept through him; he placed another soft kiss on her forehead.

"Guess what I made" he said boastfully, in an attempt to change the topic.

"Let me guess" she answered giggling, "your world class noodles" she said bouncing from one feet to another in excitement like a school girl.

They continued making gest of one another, the previous drama quickly forgotten, unbeknownst to them of the brewing schemes and plots of the outside world, with the aim of unraveling their happy bubble.


Paris en flagrant delit meaning caught in the act ( its french) 

I have been seeing all the comments, it makes me feel guilty but gives me joy that people still read my work, thank you so much dearies, honestly I had already written more that half of this story and was almost done but my laptop crashed again, true story, I lost everything once again and I just gave up, I took it as God's way of telling me I was terrible writer, but to be honest after the long break I just missed it, I just wanted to write, so this is me back trying to piece back everything together and this time I got a note book to write down ideas the old fashioned way, electronics are so untrustworthy.

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