A convention of Jezebels

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A week later

Maryam's office

"I can't believe that whore is pregnant, separating those two is getting harder and harder by the day" Dije snapped, pacing the room.

"oh, calm down, a baby or two wouldn't be a problem, the plan goes on as....planned" Maryam said staring at the young lady from beneath her lashes, lazily dragging her long red painted fingers on her mahogany desk, creating this annoy screeching noise to fill the room and making Dije flinch in response.

"And if plan A doesn't work, then plan B will commence" Maryam said getting up from her seat behind her desk and strolled over to where Dije stood. "I just need to start the plan a bit earlier than planned.......today if possible and if its successful call, if its not......well send me a text" she drawled insidiously.

Dije just nodded in return, nervousness for the task ahead already creeping in.

"We have bigger fishes to fry" Maryam sigh going back to her seat, "I have to tell Maikudi that the woman he is infatuated with, his pure sweet angel has gotten herself pregnant".

"sorry to say, but your husband is a creep, obsessed with a married woman, who does that" Dije sneered taking a sit at the opposite end of the desk.

"well apparently, you do" Maryam said glaring at her, "Isn't that taking a stretch dear, because from the last time I checked you are obsessed with a married man, just because it's a different gender doesn't mean its any different, talk about the pot calling the kettle black, you are obsessed with you sisters husband, nasty bad, bad girl" Maryam said smirking at Dije, while dialing her husband.

Dije hissed at her, she glared at the other woman, the bitter truth dished out to her stinging a whole lot.

"Hello" Maryam said when the person she had dialed picked up on the third ring.

"what" Maikudi answered darkly.

"now, now is that anyway to greet your lovely wife" Maryam said acting hurt.

"to the point Maryam, I am busy" Maikudi snapped and Maryam frowned, while Dije stared at her blankly, she couldn't hear Maikudi side of the conversation.

"bad news......apparently snow white, have find herself with child" Maryam said.

There was a long pause before Maikudi responded, "get rid of it without harming a hair on her head"

"that wasn't part of the deal, terms of our deal just changed" Maryam said going into negotiation mode.

"I don't care, if you get rid of the child and get them separated within the month, I will triple the initial price and give you the divorce no strings attached"

"my kind of tune" Maryam laughed, "my lawyers will contact yours and Maikudi consider me very very motivated, I will do it in two weeks" she said then ended the call.

"off with you, get to work" Maryam said turning to Dije and shooing her away.

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