Politics and the devil

448 54 5

11:34 pm
The Chamber

Almost 15 or situation individuals sat on a round table discussing important issues about politics and associated topics, they were also conniving about greed means to fill their already flooding pockets and wallets.

Alhaji Babangida Maikudi sat at head of the table, his eyes calculating and greedy, he stared at each and every one of his associates in crime and they were like him, vile evil criminals on high official positions, their heart filled with an ever deepening depth of greed, in which no matter how they tried to fill it they were never satisfied.

Maikudi didn’t care, he didn’t take up politics to do good deeds, he took up politics for the money and he was determined to enjoy his part of the national pie, he picked up his wine and took a sip before returning it to the same spot.

Alhaji Hassan Turaki spoke up for the first, coughing lightly he began.

"I have received information, from a credible source that the Minister of works is about to receive trillions of Naira..... .".

A booming laughter came from across the table, interrupting Hassan and causing everyone's attention to divert to where the sound had come from, it was Senator Yusuf Aliyu; he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"That is Minster Hafiz Suleiman jurisdiction; there is no way we are getting our hands on that money".

"why not?". Maikudi inquired, raising an eyebrow. "Suleiman is young and doesn’t have much backing, we can entice him into the prospect and if we don't succeed, we will bully our way to the money". He said smirking.
"I am afraid you are mistaken Maikudi". It was Minster Habib Dankasuwa this time. "Suleiman is young yes, but he has a very strong backing, how do you think he became a Minister at such a young age?" Dankasuwa asked.

"Tell me more" Maikudi instructed leaning back on his sit.

"Suleiman likes to think of himself as a honest man, but his god father not so much. Suleiman, Governor Muhammad Kabir, Governor Saifullah Haruna as well as Minister Bilkisu Mahmud are all his protégées, they are all young but now really influential people because of him, he has really powerful friends and protects his own, like a Lioness protecting her cubs". Dankasuwa explained.

"Dankasuwa will you stop beating around the bush and get to the main point, who is this infamous god father of theirs?". Maikudi said impatiently.

"what Dankasuwa is trying to say Maikudi is that we can’t touch Suleiman, without getting a retaliation from Senator Najib Lawal who is his god father and there is no way a man as honest as Suleiman will be willing to work with us".Senator Yusuf finished.

"why? This senator Najib is just one man, what could he possibly do?" Hajiya Lami spoke up, a little annoyed at the praises given to young Najib.

"Hajiya Lami ke nan" Dankasuwa teased. "yes He is just one man, but he is the most conniving, devious, intelligent and calculating individual I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, I have witnessed him tear down powerful and influential people who has stepped on his toes, without lifting a finger, he doesn’t use force Hajiya, he uses his brain Hajiya".

"Dankasuwa if I wasn’t mistaken, one would think you admire him". Hajiya Lami said intuitively.

"Yes I do Hajiya, I have never seen anyone that plays the game as well as he does". Dankasuwa said in admiration.

"so why is this master mind not in our ranks, if he is as smart as you say he is, we will need his brains to win against opposing  parties while lubricating our pockets’’ Maikudi said chuckling slyly.

"Well Maikudi, we have tried many times to recruit him, but he has made it really clear he doesn’t like the chamber, I suggest we just leave this one alone".  Senator Yusuf suggested

"No! I am not going to allow so much money to just pass me by, we eliminate both Suleiman and Senator Najib and put our own people in their place".  Maikudi said harshly, his eyes bulging out in a very odd manner at the prospect of losing so much money.

"Maikudi I think we should go with Yusuf’s suggestion". Dankasuwa said nervously.

"I said no you two can leave if you don’t want to be part, but I am sure the rest of us would like to see our account balance increase". Maikudi said looking around the room.

The other members of the group nodded their heads in response, muttering yes here and there.

"Ok I will sit this one out". Dankasuwa said getting up to take his leave, with Yusuf following closely behind him.

Maikudi hissed in irritation and went back to formulating devious plans on how to get rid of his foes.

After a few hours, the meeting was adjourned to be continued on another day, they all headed home, their hearts filled with exhilaration about their latest treasure hunt, one of the attendees on getting to the safety of him home, pull out his and place a call.

Najib answered on the 3rd ring with a grunt, ‘its 2am whatever this id about should better be of importance MK’’.

The caller laughed at threat.

"Najib ke nan, I warned you that this attitude will get you into trouble one day, but you never listened". MK taunt.

He heard shuffling at the receiving end of the call before an answer came,

"what happened? Tell me more". Najib said curiously.

"well a little birdie told me"……………………..

I know it's short and I promise there is more, the network is just misbehaving.
Please don't forget to comment and vote.
Ramadan Mubarak.



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