The event

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Maikudis pov

He stared at her, his angel, dressed in white, how ironic, he couldnt for ones take his eyes off of her, the way the gorgeous dress hugged her delicate figure, her watched as her entire face brightened with a beautiful smile every time her husband whispered to her, that particular detail grated on his nerves, but he couldnt help appreciating such angelic smile and face, he saw her little bump, the minute she walked into the hall, where her charity event was being held, an event him and Maryam had forcefully invited their selves to, he could do away with the brat immediately it was born, yes, he wouldnt endanger the life of his love, no the pregnancy was already too far along to risk and abortion.

you look like a mad man, Maikudi, get that crazed look off your face Maryam whispered in annoyance.

the only reason I have this look is because of you and your failures Maryam, with that stupid act you pulled you almost jeopardized our entire plan, yet you fail to deliver your end of the deal again and again, he said giving her a cold look while attempting to stand up, but Maryam grab a hold of his arm digging her nails into flesh, causing him to wince a bit.

where do you think you are going to she hissed.

to go and say hello to our hostess obviously he said glaring at where she had grabbed him.

I dont think so, you have to stay out of sight at least for now, no one should witness you antagonizing her you old fool and Maikudi, dont you dare speak to me that way ever again, underestimating me, dear soon to be ex husband is going to be your down fall Maryam hissed, woefully surprising Maikudi with her new found confidence.

He was about to bark at her when the Mcs voice interrupted him echoing throughout the entire room, Before the closing of this our spectacular event, we would like to call upon our, beautiful and magnificent hostess Mrs Salimat who was made all this possible, please appreciate this lovely lady as the makes her way to the stage, the entire hall immediately erupted with cheers and resonating claps, everyone got to their feet to cheer her on, Maikudi watched as Najib quickly got to his feet to help his pregnant wife up, he sneered at the loving looks they passed at each other in secret, very soon she would look at him that way.

Maryam pov

Maryam stared at her husband and snickered, what an old fool, she couldnt believe she allowed herself to fall for his webs of lies, selfish old goat she thought, she watched him in disgust as he practically panted, she could almost see the drool, as he watched Salimat make her way to the stage in company of her husband.

Hello and good evening ladies and gentle men a cool calming voice filled the atmosphere, everyone one visibly relaxed, Salimat carried some kind of ambiance in the way she talked, walked and spoke, so innocent, so elegant and so humble, although she highly doubted Salimat was aware of her natural grace, maybe thats why men flock to her even while she was visibly pregnant.

I must first welcome you and most importantly thank you for making time out of your busy schedule to attend my charity gala, I cannot beginning to tell you how much you are all very much appreciated Salimat continued giving the crowd a charming smile, causing Maryam to sigh, a pang of jealousy fluttered through her heart.

As you can all clearly see I am an albino Salimat chuckled, causing the crowd before her to roar with laughter, what was so funny, Maryam snickered, eyeing the other guests with disgust, simps she thought, bewitched by a pretty smile, she hissed.

And although I had no choice in the matter of what my skin color would be, I was treated as if I myself had dragged a curse upon myself, I was lucky to have had some familial support and also a good financial background which greatly soften the blow of the horror that might have come my way, but what about those that werent so blessed, those suffering just because of a birth defect that they had no choice or fault in and that ladies and gentlemen, that is why we are here today Salimat continued and Maryam drowned out the rest, slightly fidgeting with what was to come in the later part of the night.

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