The art of gifting

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3 days later
Najib's residence
Salimat's Pov

It has been officially 3 days of married life for Salimat, 3 days of abandonment, her family had left her all alone despite her tears and pleas not to leave her alone with one ‘kato’.

Well not all alone her mother had given her a help from the palace, but the way things were turning out, she and Aisha might end up becoming best friends by the end of the month.

It was 9:15 in the morning, she and indo (Aisha) had just had breakfast and she decided to retire to her room for a little nap. Salimat laid on her king sized bed and sighed, her new husband was nowhere to be found in the last 3 days although he had ensured that they lacked nothing, she and Aisha who were currently the only ones residing in her new home, well excluding Abban Fati whom was the mai gadi, were bored to the core.

Salimat loved her new home, it enticed her artistic side, her new home or in better words ‘Najib’s mansion’ was an emblem of beauty and wealth, everything was so……clean and expensive looking, Salimat had been tempted to go for a tour but she was scared she might get lost and no one would be able to find her in this maze, she stared around her room, it was painted a peculiar shade of gray, a color which Salimat usually found boring, but somehow Najib had made it work with the décor, various wall paintings were scattered around the room, as if he knew she loved art, come to think of it there were a lot of paintings and art work in the house, Salimat thought, she sighed and shut her eyes drifting off to a short nap.

2:17 pm
Najib's pov

Najib stared down at the sleeping beauty before him, her veil had somehow come undone and her golden locks were scattered haphazardly on his pillow, he smiled at how at peace she looked while she was asleep, only if he had a semblance of peace like she did, he thought frowning, a little sigh came from her, she smiled a little turning to face him, what was she dream about? He thought wrapping a golden lock around his finger; He just couldn’t help himself, her essence called to him.

He contemplated if he should disturb her sleep or just let her be, Ya Allah who was he lying to, he was just looking for ways to avoid her, turely he didn’t know how to address her now as his ‘wife’, Najib sigh tapping her shoulder before he could change his mind, he has never been a coward and he wouldn’t start being one now.
He watched her patiently as she slowing awaken, with a small frown on her beautiful face, she eyes fluttered open and those sliver orbs focused on him, she stared up at him perplexed, her frown deepening, before realization dawn on her causing her to jolt up, almost head butting him if not for his quick reflex,

she jumped up from the bed, fear slowly seeping into her eyes.
Now that she was standing, Najib couldn’t help but stare, her curly hair fell down her back, the contrast of her golden hair to her sliver eyes and her pale flawless skin amazed him, he watched as her locks curled around her shoulder, she wore a white dress that flowed around her angelically and all he wanted to do was bury his fingers in her hair.

“Masha Allah", he whispered taking a step towards her causing her to shuffle back.

"What are you doing?" she asked her voice quivering with fear.

"Thanking Allah", he answered still staring at her intensely.

Salimat noticed her veil on the bed and quickly searched her head checking for it as if her eyes were deceiving her, when she didn’t find it,  she lunged for the one on the bed but Najib got to it first, she tried to snatch it from him but he held it up over their heads.

Salima was several inches shorter than Najib, she stood on her tippy toes, jumped and even got on the bed to get her veil, but he just stepped back and she couldn’t reach it, she huffed and puffed before sit down on the bed to catch her breath, while glaring up at him.

"Are you done?", he asked smirking at her, causing her to glare at him harder, "I like…..", he stammered clearing hi throat, "I like your hair, no need to cover it all the time when it’s just us". he suggested.

"I don’t like going around without my scarf". salimat said standing up and still glaring at him.

He just ignored her and continued, "come I want to show you something", he said turning to leave.

"I am not going anywhere without my veil and even if you don’t give me that one, I will take another and still not go with you", she grumbled stubbornly crossing her arms around her chest. 

Najib turned to glare at her before throwing the veil at her annoyed.

"now stop wasting my time and come".

Salimat quickly wrapped her veil around her and followed close behind him, he took her to the other side of the mansion, before finally stopping in front of a plain white door and pushing it open.

"Bismillah Ladies first". he gestured for her to enter; Salima frowned at him before walking inside while he followed close behind her shutting the door behind him.

"Ya Allah", salimat gasped in awe, she turned to look at him before turning back to the sight before her.

The room they had walked into was plain white just like its door, but that wasn’t what captured Salimat’s attention, no it was the  glass wall/window, which over looked the a gorgeous garden below.

The scenery below was exceptional, no exceptional was an understatement beautiful? Gorgeous? Heavenly? Salimat didn’t know any word that could really explain the view below, it was nature at its finest; she stared down in awe unable to muster up any word.

"You like it then?", Najib asked beaming.

"Like it, no I love it, it’s beautiful". Salima said in wonderment.

"Well the room is for you, I heard you were somewhat artistic so I thought you might want some where to explore your work……". he said awkwardly railing off.

"OMG seriously, I don’t know what to say, thank you so much". she said turning to smile at him tearing up a little.

"No need to thank me, now I have to go and have work", he said looking at his watch, trying to avoid looking that smile that seemed to make his world spin.

"Ya Najib?”, she called out.

"Naam" he said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Can I visit the garden below from time to time?", she questioned.

"of course you can", he answered chuckling , "oh I almost forgot we have a dinner date today there are some people I want  to introduce you to and a function this weekend too……..wear something causal for today’s, tomorrow my assistant will take you out to purchase some stuffs for your art and also some dinner gowns", he said putting his hands in his pockets. "ok if you don’t need anything else let me show you to your room I have a meeting in an hour", he said awkwardly gesturing for her to follow him.

I am so sorry for the late updates, forgive me please. stay home and stay safe dearies.
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