Even roses have thorns too

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Same night

Najibs pov

Najib stepped out of the car before the engine turned off, he practically bounced in eagerness of seeing his wife, the thought that Maikudi was no longer a threat gave him some sort of peace, he carefully pushed his home door open and walked in, to find his wife sprawled out on one of the couches in an awkward position, her sister Dije on the other one next to her, he went over to Dije and carefully tapped her, awaking her up.

what is going on? A slumber party? he whispered, causing Dije to roll her eyes.

She picked up her pen and notepad and scribbled something down, its 5am she was worried about you, none of your numbers were going through and the driver refused to pick his, she almost called the police, I convinced her to wait till morning , it read.

Najib sigh, feeling guilty, while Dije just eyed him, picking up her stuff and retreated to her room, he turned to his wife, walking over to her and gently tapping her, she jolted awake and her mouth flew open upon sighting him.

I am sorry he said stopping her in her tracks, time got away from me, I should have called, I am sorry he apologized.

She stared at him for a second, as if having and inner debate on whether to forgive him or proceed with her rant, but she just nodded.

how was the meeting? she asked, getting to her feet with the help of her husband.

it was fine, everything went perfectly he said smiling down at her.

Alhamdulilah, I am happy for you babe, she said smiling right back at him.

7 months later

Najib and Salimats residence

Salimats pov

Asalamualikum Aisha one of her maids walked into the kitchen with a box in hand.

wa aliakum salaam, shhhhh, baby Ameer na bachi Salimat answered in a hushed tone, gesturing for the other lady to talk the same way, he had being fussy all day and she just finally got him to sleep.

oh sorry Aisha apologized, practically whispering, Umar brought this in for you Aisha said handing her the box.

Salimat took the box and dropped it on the island right in front of her, toh nagode, she couldnt remember ordering anything but with the way baby Ameer has been stressing her, she was so forgetful these days.

She tore open the bow that was used to hold the box lid and inside the box sat a lone envelop, such huge package for such tiny content she mused, Najib quickly went to the top of her list of suspect, she picked up the envelop and tore it open, spilling its content onto the counter, on first sight of the photographs before her she gagged, her tummy tied up in knots and her throat closed, she gagged again, she could feel the content she had previously ingested threatening to come back up.

They were pictures of badly beaten men, obviously still alive but barely, on a piece of plain white paper was written boldly, your husband is a monsterI dare you to ask him, she quickly returned the content of the box back into it and slammed it shut as if it were Pandora's box of horror, she needed to warn him, elections were around the corner and someone was playing a cruel game.

She quickly looked for one of her maids to watch the baby before rushing up stairs to her husbands study, babe! she called out barging into his office, I dont know if this is a prank but you need to get on top of it fast she said spilling the content of the box onto his desk.

gush I hate politics she said in disgust wincing as the pictures came into view again.

Najib expression morphed from shocked, to disbelieve, anger, guilt, then back to anger, where did you get these from? he asked in a tone that Salimat had never heard use before, not even with his mother, fear creeped up her spine and she tried to shake it off.

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