witches, tea and a trip

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Next day

5:30 am

Salimat felt a feathering sensation on her face, she frowned and shook her head to get rid of the disturbance, she shuffled closer into the warm cozy pillow, she quickly found a comfortable spot again and drifted back into her slumber, then she heard a distant chuckle coming from her comfy pillow, her frown deepen in her sleep, the chuckle quickly turned into laughter startling her and immediately clearing the sleep from her eyes.

She opened one eye and peeped at the source of the noise, she immediately closed her eyes in mortification when she realized the position she was in.

"come on I know you are awake" Najib said staring down at her.

She scooted backwards in an attempt to escape but he caged her in causing her to blushed harder,

"is that how to greet your husband in the morning" her scolded in a teasing manner.

Salima managed to cover her mouth with her hand in the narrow space and blew a poof of breath into her hand trying to get a sniff of her morning breath in a discreet manner, but Najib noticed causing him to laugh harder.

"No need for all that" he said getting up and lifting her with him.

"good morning", he said placing her on her feet and patting her hair.
And to her mortification she realized her scarf had come undone and her afro was a mess, it probably looked like a bird's nest she thought blushing hard she looked away and answered his greeting.

"Good morning" she said while wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"it’s time for subhi,  we should offer salat’ he instructed finally moving out  of her personal bubble and headed for the bathroom to perform ablution while Salimat sat back down on the bed and waited for her turn, after he was out she followed suit to do the same.

She was right her hair looked like a bird's nest after all; she quickly tried her best to pat the havoc back down then performed her ablution and joined her husband in the room.

He was on the praying mat waiting for her, she quietly took her position behind him and they prayed together, after offering their prayers he picked up the Quran and read a few chapters before he stood up and left without a word.

Salimat stood up, sighing in relief she pulled off her hijab and folded it neatly, keeping it on the far end of the bed, she did the same to the two praying mats they used before collapsing on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, a small smile creeping its way to her face, she kicked her arms and legs wide and closed her eyes trying to entice sleep back into them.

As she was slowly drifted off, she heard her room door opening causing her eyes to shot open to glare at the intruder, her husband walked in with some clothing draped over one arm while pulling a black box with the other, her glare quickly turned into a stare of confusion.

"What are you doing?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"what does it look like I am doing" he said keep the box at the far corner of the room, he walked over to her, dropping the clothes draped on his arm on the bed.

"it looks like you are trying to colonize my room” she said glaring at him, she wanted to say if looks could kill he would probably be dead by now but that would be cliché right, so she just kept glaring and crossed her hands over her chest, pouting like a five years old throwing a tantrum.

“Oh please stop looking at me like that, it’s my room too” he said pulling his shirt over his head, taking it off.

“Auzubillahi” Salima gasped scooting closer to the head board of the bed while covering her eyes with her hands.

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