One (intro)

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The blood was dripping down my face.
I can't believe it. my own father threw a plate at my face. I mean I know things haven't been great since my mother died. but I never thought we'd get to this.

I storm up to my room and pack a bag. I also grab a knife and conceal it in my jacket, you can never be to careful. I have to get out of this hell hole or I'll go insane. when I get to the bottom of the stairs and to the door I hear my father call out to me but I just ignore him and walk out the door.

I wander around the streets for a whole when I find a nice park bench to sleep on, it's sheltered and dry so it will do for now.

As I lay down I notice some people staring at me as they walk past. the men in particular gave a filthy look on their face and I start to regret leaving. 'I'm safer out here than in there' I tell myself as I drift off to sleep.


When I wake I become confused of my surroundings, then remember I ran away, but then realising not to here.

"Ah she wakes" I hear a voice from behind say.
I turn around and see a boy, around my age, with light brown hair and green eyes staring at me.
"Where am I?" I ask feeling very confused.
"Neverland love" he replied gesturing around us.
"What?" This kid is weird...
"What you don't believe me? Why did you come here then?" He asks raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Come here? I ran away from home and went to sleep on a bench and woke up here" I reply getting agitated.
"Oh so your lost" he says as if it all makes sense to him, meanwhile I'm still standing there confused as anything.
"what do you mean? Who are you?" I ask trying to work out what the hell is happening.
"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan"

So here if an intro to the book ☺️ I'm only going to update this whenever I get a chance because I'm going to keep my focus on my other book '•weak• (a newt fanfic)' so I may slip in some chapters here and there while I'm working on that book. but as soon as I finish that book I will put my focus onto this one, and I might start an intro to a sequel of which ever one towards the end of this book.
I know that might of been confusing but I'll let you guys know what's happening when the time comes ☺️

Byeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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