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"Peter Pan? As in the Disney character who take kids in the middle of the night to Neverland?"
"We'll not exactly, I am Peter Pan, but I'm not like the movie character" he replied with an evil smirk.
"So I'm guessing were in Neverland right?" I ask sarcastically.
"Indeed we are" he replied stepping closer towards me.
"What's your name love?" He asked inches from my face.
"Elizabeth Powell" I replied matter of factly.
he stepped back from me and had a confused look on his face.

"Elizabeth Powell?" He asked confused.
"Yes?" I replied in a 'duh' tone.
"Don't you remember?" He asked taking a step forward.
"Remember what?" I asked confused.
"Me, and neverland" he replied as if it was the answer to the universe.
"I remember watching the movie everyday as a child, wishing I could go to Neverland but not you" I replied looking down.
"I know" he says confidently.
I look up with a confused look on my face.
"How?" I ask.
"Because you told me. you first came here when you were five right after your mother died. you were so sad and my shadow found you and brought you here. but you weren't fully lost so it was only in your dreams, you came here every night for a few years after that" he replied hoping I would remember.

I step back and look down. I then look around at the world around me. then stare at Peter for a few seconds when *ding* I remember.
"Oh my god" I whisper taking a few steps back.
Peter smiles triumphantly.
I turn on my heal and run, not sure where to I was just running, I needed to be alone to comprehend all this.


After about ten minutes running and being completely exaughsted, I end up in an open field with a lake with a waterfall running into it.
I walk over and stand at the edge of the lake looking down to see my reflection. the water ripples and changes my reflection to my five year old self. I gasp and step back, but running into something, I turn around as fast as I could and see Peter standing there with a slight smirk on his face.

"Well done sweetheart, you took that better than expected" his smirk growing.
"Take me home" I demand but it doesn't phase him.
"No can do love, besides you came here yourself" he replies triumphantly.
"I don't want to be here now take me home or I'll-"
"You'll what?" He cuts me off raising his eyebrows.
Dammit, I can win against him, I remember he likes playing games, he always wins because Peter Pan never fails.
I step back in defeat.
"Well then we best get you comfortable" he says holding out his hand.
"I'm not going with you" I say standing my ground and crossing my arms.
His evil grin spears again and he tilts his head to the side.
"You don't have a choice" he says and swiftly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and starts walking.
I started kicking and punching but it doesn't seem to affect him, after about five minutes I give up and accept my fate, I can just tell he's grinning.


After a few minutes we reach a camp with about 20 boys dancing around a fire. Pan keeps walking past them receiving some odd stares in the proccess. we reach a tent and he throws me down on the bed. I stand up straight away and try to run past him but he just pushes me back down.
"I was hoping I wouldn't need to do this darling" he say then grabs a rope a pushes me down then grabs my arm and ties it to the bed, giving me enough room to move around on the bed.
"There we go" he says turning around to walk out the door.
"PETER!" I call out angrily.
"Welcome to Neverland Elizabeth"

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