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I laid there with my eyes closed, not speaking to Peter, just listening to the birds sing, the wind howl, and the waves dance over the beach in the distance.

He's been silent too, just sitting there. I like this side of him. the side that is contempt and peaceful.

"You lied to me" I break the silence after around an hour.
"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.
I prop myself up onto my elbows.
"You promised you wouldn't let anything happen to me"

Peter turned away and look out to the lake.

I stood up and walked away.


I'm not mad at him because he wasn't there sooner. I'm mad at me, I'm mad at the lost boys, I'm mad at Neverland.

I need to let Pan continuing to teach me how to control my ability, then I can black mail him, my freedom from Neverland for the dead person he wants me to bring back.
While I'm at it I'll still make sure to get the information from him too.

I wonder whose down there? Is it possible that Pan had a sibling? I'll find out soon.


It's been around a week and I've wasted no time, I've been committed to learning my ability.
Maybe tomorrow is when I'll bring the person back, yesterday Pan told me how to do it, and today I'm guessing I'll be practicing on some dead animals.


"Okay Elizabeth, go to the other side" Pan instructed and I do as I'm told.
"Okay now, I've got a dead rabbit, I want you to hold it and feel it's presence"
He passes me the corpse and after a moment I see a lively bunny bouncing around by my feet.
I giggle at the sight.

"Okay now the hard bit, you have to find a way to bring it back to life, I can't tell you how because you have to find it yourself" Peter instructed making me nervous.

I think for a moment.
I get an idea.
I imagine a doe, it's not a real one, it's more like a spirit.
I place the bunny on the ground and step back and wait for the doe.

Soon after it comes closer and examines the rabbit.
The tip of its nose Rochester the rabbit before it appears to pick something up before prancing away.

I pull myself back to the real world.
I look down and am completely shocked by a perfectly healthy rabbit I'm the palm of my hands.

I look up to Peter with a huge look of excitement and happiness on my face and I see him smiling.

"Well done, you've learnt it all" Peter congratulated me.

A/n: guys, guys, guys. next chapter is the last one.
I'm sorry that this one is short but I didn't want it to take too much out of the 'finale'

Don't worry it's not the end of the story, I will be creating a sequel to this and I'm not going to have a huge gap of time before I upload the first chapter of the sequel because I already know where I'm going with it.

So I think my writing is better when I'm depressed, because I feel like I can really get into Elizabeth's shoes and experience her life.

I've re read some chapters and I realised there is a few mistakes in it so if your confused just comment and I'll explain ☺️

Do you guys have any questions about this book? Comment them and if be more than happy to answer and discuss them with you 😚

So get prepared now for the last chapter because it's gonna be long and a lot of shit is gonna go down. I'll be writing it over the weekend.

Also, do you guys want me to tell you my name and about myself in the next chapter? If yes comment some questions that you'd like to know about me so I can answer them.

Also x2, do you guys wanna suggest a name for the sequel? You can get a really feel for the theme of it at the end of this book.
I'm thinking maybe 'Nightmare'?
Let me know what you think.

Love you sexy mofos

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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