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No escaping Neverland? Who does this kid think he is? I mean if there's a way here there's a way out, I just have to find it.
I gave Peter an angry look and walked past him back to camp.
It was the same routine, I just hop into bed and he watches me. ugh.


"Rise and shine, love" I heard a British accent wake me up.
I groaned and rolled over.
I heard him laugh and reply "fine then, miss out on the fun"
"What fun?" I ask very tiredly and grumpy.
"You'll have to find out for yourself" he replied.
I roll out of bed and stand in front of him.
"Happy?" I ask sarcastically.
"Very" he replied with a smirk.

We walked outside and I saw targets on some of the trees.
I give Peter a confused look.
"Target practice" he replys.
"Do I get to join in?" Here's my opportunity.
"Of course"

I was watching some boys shooting at the targets. Peter walked over to me and handed me an automatic cross bow.
And then motioned towards one of the targets.
"..When your ready"
I raised the bow and make it look like I was aiming, when I turn my weapon and released the arrow straight at pans chest.
He caught it.
Peter smirked evilly and said "You shouldn't of done that, love"
He walked over to me and took the crossbow out of my hands.
"You need to be punished" he said as he was inspecting the bow.
He grabbed my arm with an angry look and dragged me towards his tent.

When we were inside he pushed me up against the wall, I tried to get out of his grip but he just pushed his body onto mine and held my wrists above my head.
"Now...." He started,
"How should you be punished..." he said inspecting my neck.
I dared not speak because I didn't want to make this worse.
He looked into my eyes coldly.
"Answer the question" he commanded.
"No" I responded.
"Answer me" he raised his voice a bit.
I stared back at him with hatred and disgust.
He leaned into my ear, oh no.
"Have it your way then" he wispered.
He started kissing and sucking on my neck. I tried to stay quiet and not react but when he started sucking on my sweet spot I had to let out a moan.
I felt him grin. what is happening here? Is he going to punish me? Is he going to keep going? Do I want him to keep going? Kind of. I don't know what it was about this boy but something made me attracted to him, I mean his looks and accent certainly don't help me try not to.
With out warning, pan roughly let go of me and walked out the door.
That son of a b*tch. I see how it is. well two can play at that game.


After coming up with a plan I walked back out there.
"What do you think your doing? Peter asked not looking up from the cross bow.
"Watvhing" I replied coldly.
Peter laughed. "oh no, your being punished, back ya go" he commanded.
I stood my ground.
Pan noticed I hadn't move and looked over at me.
"Or would you prefer the cage?" He grinned wickedly.
I stomped my foot and walked back into the tent and laid on the bed.


When it started getting dark Peter came into the tent.
"Can I leave now?" I ask annoyed.
"The tent? Where would you sleep?" He asked.
"Anywhere but here" I replied with venom in my voice.
"oh so you'd rather stay with one of the lost boys who hadn't seen a girl in years? Go a head" he said motioning to the door with an argent look on his face.
I stood frozen as I realised I probably should start being careful instead of wandering the Forrest alone.
I stormed over to the bed and got in. "if you think your doing me a favour don't, I despised you" I responded angrily.
He smirked and got into the bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked annoyed.
"I don't think you'll try to run away now" he replied.
I rolled my eyes and went to sleep.

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