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Colours. all I saw were colours. My body was numb, but I was calm. When I opened my eyes, it was like I was living inside a dream. everything was so vibrant and beautiful, the trees were bright shades of blues and purples, the sky was yellow, the ground I lay on was electric pink with speckles of lilac.
I was brought out of my daze by someone's foot in front of my face, I turned my eyes to see blurred figures running away, maybe they were angels.

I rolled over onto my back. My mouth was slightly open and my eyes wide as I stared up at the beautiful colours surrounding me, like a child seeing the wonders of the world around her.

It was silent, peaceful, I was happy.

After about ten more minutes of wonder I saw a figure coming towards me, quite quickly. when the reached me they kneeled down and cradled my head, they were looking down at me but I couldn't see who the blurry figure was.

They were calling my name, but I wouldn't respond, I was contempt with looking at the world around me. they turned my head so I would face them, after a few seconds of trying to focus on the figure my vision cleared and I saw Peter looking down at me.

He was in beautiful colour too, his brown hair a lush green, his lips a beautiful violet, his skin a mighty orange, and his once green eyes were a mesmerising blue, there was multiply shades of blue, like the ocean they were hauntingly beautiful, seeing such wonder but knowing the horror behind them.

"It's so beautiful" I mumbled still in awe if the beauty of this new world.
"What is?" Peter asked.
I stared at him doe eyed and whispered.
"The colours"
Peters face changed as he thought briefly before waving his hand over my head.
Suddenly sparkles of glitter apeared from his hand as they made their way down to me. it wasn't just one colour, it was all the colours imaginable. the sparkles of different colours made it appear as a mini galaxy above my face.

They soon disappeared along with my happiness. the colours had gone and I no longer felt safe and relaxed back in this boring world of dull greens and browns.

"What did you do?!" I yelled as I sat up from peters lap.
"Calm down okay, you were drugged with a special plant, I lowered it's effects so you should still feel dizzy so take it easy" he replied while holding out his arm to calm me.
"Don't tell me to calm down Peter Pan! You always take away my happiness. you've trapped me here like an animal and whenever I start to feel comfortable or safe you snatch it away along with any friends I seem to make. you hold a knife to my throat while threatening to kill me then cutting me. you make me feel like shit you stepped in and your trying to shake me off. I hate you so much I would rather die then be here another day" tears were now freely flowing down my face threatening to drown me at any second. It's all be one to much for me.
Peter was silent in shock from my outburst.
"Incase you hadn't noticed, your safe here from your father, I saved you from nearly killing yourself, I never let any harm come to you, you should be thanking me" he replied in a raised voice.

"Thanking you? You nearly killed me more than once-"
"I only made you think I would kill you!"
"Just shut up already Elizabeth! Now what happened to you?"
I sighed in anger, arguing will get us nowhere.
"I was laying in the bed when a few people grabbed me and started dragging me out here and that's all I remember" I replied.
"Alright... me trying to prevent this happening isn't working so I'll have to catch these people in the act" Pan said thinking out loud.
Great I'll be the guinea pig.


After Pan un-drugged me he took me back to his tent and we went to sleep. then the next day was the usual, following Pan around. nothing special.


It's now night again and Pan is still on the look out for anything suspicious.
I tell him I'm going to bed and he follows after.
While sleeping I was woken up by hands grabbing my limbs and covering my mouth. as they pulled me out of the bed I tried to hit Pan to wake him up but it didn't work.

When we get outside the tent I am knock out again... *sigh*


I wake up on the ground and it's still night time, I haven't been drugged so I stand up to go find Peter.
I gasp as I see the scene around me, about five boys were laying on the ground around me their faces bruised and bloody.
I turn to see Peter standing over one of them. I walk over to him.
"He was the next person I trusted after felix" Peter said not taking his eyes off the boy.
"Peter what happened?" I ask scared from the scene.
Peter turns around with a grim face.

"It's best you don't know"

A/n: oh my god guys I really love this chapter. I've never written like this before and it's so relaxing and really gets my creative brain working. do you guys like it?

Byeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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