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Day one of learning my powers, alright, here goes nothing.
I get out of bed early and head out to meet Pan in the forest.
After a short while I spot him waiting beside a pile of rocks.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he turned to face me.
"As I'll ever be" I replied uncertain of how this will end up.
"First you need to learn how to feel the presence of the dead," he walked towards me and grabbed my arm, bringing me towards the stones.
"This is where we've buried the dead"

I count four stones which I'm guessing are grave stones. three of them are named but one is not.
"Whose that?" I ask pointing to the bare stone.
"That is who you are bringing back" he replied casually.

"What about the others?" I asked confused of why he chose one to come back and not the others.
"The others deserved to die, this one didn't" he concluded.

Wow. not my place to judge but, he obviously knew these boys, and yet he can live with leaving them dead.
"How do I do this?" I ask trying to get back on track.
"Start off with closing your eyes, and pulling yourself out of this world, and then placing yourself into the world of the dead, you should know when your there"
I do as he says. I try. and I try. and I try. It doesn't work.
"I can't do it" I groan, annoyed.

"Okay, imagine looking at yourself, like your somebody else, then start to float up while looking down at yourself, then once your far enough up that there is nothing around you, imagine lowering yourself down, but this time your landing on a world for the dead, it will look however you imagine it to look"

After a few moments of silence and doing what Pan instructed. I defiantly feel different.
"I feel cold" I state hoping I'm doing this right.
"Good, your there. now I want you to say 'Thomas'"
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you have to choose which dead person you want to see, otherwise you won't see anybody because there is so many dead people. it's easier on Neverland because there is only one Thomas and your standing next to his body"

"Thomas" I say out loud and wait for a brief second before opening my eyes.
When my eyes open I see Pan standing there and then I see the trees and the rest of the world around me as normal, but it's slightly greyed out.
Suddenly, I see a boy standing next to me. he has brown curly hair, he's slightly taller than me, and I'm hissing he's probably 18.

"Are you Thomas?" I ask the boy.
"Can you see him?" Peter asks surprised.
"I see someone" I reply while staring at the boy.
"Good, come back"

I do the same thing as I did to get here to leave, but it all flashed very quickly and I'm left daze and with a headache.

I feel myself falling, before feeling two arms wrapping around me before lowering me onto the ground.

"You did better than I expected" Pan comments as I lay in the ground not wanting to open my eyes.

"I never thought I'd live to see this" an unknown voice states.
"Derek" Pan states with anger in his voice.
"I told you this area is forbidden" Peter continues.

"Calm down Pan, I was just curious to see what you and the girl were doing, but as I see, she's the last anchor" Derek replies.

"What do you mean the last?" I ask as I try to open my eyes.
"Well love, in case you haven't noticed, your in neverland, your never getting out, which means you won't have kids, and the line of female anchors will cease to exist"

"Go back to the camp Derek" Pan commanded.

I heard Derek laugh as he walked away.
"I think you should rest, you can't do more learning today do you need to get better fast do we can continue" Peter said to me as I lost attention in Derek's words.

"Okay but I can't-" I started but was lifted off the ground by Peter.
"I know, I'd prefer you not falling over and hitting your head out here alone"


Peter carried me all the way back to camp before laying me on the bed and leaving.
Derek's right. I'm never getting out of here. which means I'm never going to get married, by a house, have kids, grow old, play with my grandkids. my whole life that I've been looking forward to is gone.


When I wake up I'm not in the tent, I'm outside, correction, I'm above a lake. tied up dangling from a tree over a lake. shit.
"help!" I call out but I don't think anyone is around.

"Sorry love, nothing personal, I know why Pan is teaching you how to use your powers, and I can't have you bringing them back to life" Derek appeared from behind the tree, ready to drop me in.

How to I get out of this, I can't convince him out of this because he seems pretty terrified of the idea that I'm going to bring back someone from the dead. I don't think Pan knows where I am, because from my theory of trying to leave Neverland, I'm not touching soil, so he can't know where I am.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by being lowered into the water, I start panicking.
After a few seconds, I take one deep breath before being submerged in the water.
Once I'm about two feet down I stop, I'm guessing Derek waiting for me to drown.
My lungs are start to ache at holding my breath, my head starts hurting, my heart starts beating faster from fear, I feel like I'm about to explode.

My body starts going numb, I've released the air that I had, my heart is slowing. I no longer an in agony, I feel peaceful.

I feel the water moving.
Someone touches my arm.
I try opening my eyes and see Peter.
He pulls out a knife and starts cutting at the rope. but it's too late. I feel myself loosing the battle of living. my eyes continue closing.

I feel lips on my own before my mouth being opened and air filling my mouth.

My body is free from the ropes, and a hand clasping my arm drags me towards the surface before I pass out.


It's dark. I can't see anything. I can't move. I can't breath. nothing. am I trapped in darkness forever?

I slowly begin hearing leaves rustling in the wind, I hear some birds chirping, but I'm still stuck in darkness.

Suddenly, I hunch over my side and cough out water from my lungs.
I return to lying on my back and see a wet Peter above me.
He breathes a sigh of relief.

I lay there breathing deeply not needing to talk, along with not being able to just yet.

"For the record, I wasn't kissing you" Peter says as he sits next to me looking out at the lake.

I lay there with a slight smile before closing my eyes and relaxing.

A/n: wassup bitches!

I'm in the writing mood.

Keep uploading chapters.

Do you like the book?

Any comments you guys have, don't worry about thinking it's stupid because I am the most stupid person so we can chit chat in the comments ☺️

Also, go check out my youtube channel! I've uploaded more and my recent ones don't have that many views, I'll try and put my recent Peter Pan one here but idk because it's hard to find by searching it. but I have the names of a few in earlier chapters.

Hope you guys are loving life!

Byeeeeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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