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Shit. this is bad. I can't have someone protect me. it will make things worse. I will be babied and not aloud to do anything without checking with Peter first. I seriously hope he's joking.

"Peter-" I start.
"No Elizabeth I know what your going to say and your wrong" he cut me off.
"I can't handle it, I won't have any freedom and I will have to follow you around all day doing nothing" I complain.
"Don't act like its so terrible" Peter replied with a sly smirk.
"Plus I have to watch out for you anyway because our visitors will try and take you and use you for their own gain" Peter continued.
"Yeah would you care to explain yourself for that night?" I asked.

"When I first met you when you were younger and you told me your name I had my suspicions but when you told me about your mother and grandmother that night you confirmed my thoughts"
"And what exactly are your thoughts?" I asked annoyed about not getting a simple answer.
"You come from the only surviving family of anchors. you can contact the dead, and even bring them back"

"Stop rambling Pan and tell me the truth" I replied very agitated.
"I'm not, have you never seen someone whose died before? Have you never had the feeling someone's watching you 24/7, why do you think your mother and grandmother died exactly the same way after something being different about them?"

"I see my mother in my dreams" I mumbled.
"See! I'm not making this up Elizabeth, and Emma and hook think you will be useful to the humans and to them and they will use up all your power and...." Peter was getting quiet emotional and I saw a tear run down his face. if I want to live I won't mention it.

"Just promise me you'll let me look out for you" Peter asked after imposing hisself.

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his cheek, "of course Peter"

A/n: I'm sorry this was a short chapter but I have something I need to say.
I'm thinking about taking a break from wattpad for a while. I've been going through a really hard time and my anxiety has been really bad lately, plus I'm in college now so I'm very busy with school and I have a lot of commitments outside of school so it's getting to be too much.

If I'm feeling up to it one day I might post a chapter but if I don't and haven't updated in a long time please don't worry because I'm not going to leave my books unfinished. I made a commitment so I will stick with it.

When I come back I might just only continue with one book and then once that is fished I'll finish the other one.

So don't worry I'm fine I just have a lot going on, I might only update in holidays to keep you guys happy.

Also if anyone is struggling with mental health I am here for you, it's a serious issue and I don't want anybody going through it alone.

So I will still be on wattpad everyday just not updating.

Byeeeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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