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After a few moments of running and calling after Pan I finally caught up with him.
"What the hell was that?!" I yelled at him.
"You finally having a purpose and being more valuable to me" he replied bluntly.
"And what about the whole 'anchor' crap?!" I asked again.
Pan stopped and faced me.
"Do you really know nothing about your family?" He asked.
"Obviously not" I replied sarcastically.
"Your family is the only remaining family of Anchors, every first born female in your bloodline will become an anchor after the previous has died" he explained briefly.
"And what's an anchor?" I asked irritated.
"Some who has a connection to both the living and the dead, you obviously haven't learnt that yet since you've been crying most the time" he replied harshly.
I swung my hand at him to slap him but he caught it just in time.
"How dare you! I'm your king, I own you, you are nothing but a little girl whose too immature to possess great power" he growled at me.
I pulled my arm away and ran back to camp.


When I arrived at the camp I mentally face palmed myself when I realised I still had to share a room and a bed with that creature.
As I made my way to the tent something hit me on the head and I blacked out.


I woke up to find I was in the bed in Peters tent.
I became confused as I didn't remember going to bed.
When I stood up I became disorientated as I felt very sore.
I inspected myself and found a few bruises on my body.
As I walked out of the tent rubbing my arm I met eyes with Peter. crap.

"Good morning lizzy how are you today?" He asked.
"Why do you care?" I replied angrily remember what happened last night.
"You've become my most valuable person on the island, I want to make sure nothing changes that" he replied.
"Well I'm fine" I replied fake confidently.
Peters gaze moved from my face to my arm rubbing the other.
He swiftly moved it away exposing a bruise.
"How did you get this?" He asked seriously.
"I'm not sure, I woke up with it" I replied uncertain.
"What happened on your way back last night?" He asked again.
"Nothing I walked back and then went towards the tent..... then I woke up in bed this morning" I replied while rethinking the night.
"So you just woke up in the bed with bruises and not remembering how you got there?" He asked confused.
Peter thought for a moment before speaking.
"Alright, don't leave my sight today, I need to get to the bottom of this" Peter commanded.
I nodded.


The day has been quite boring. following Pan around all day isn't as fun as it sounds. It's mainly hushed talking to Felix, going around making sure nothing is wrong, practicing defence and attack.... blah blah blah.

It's now sunset and Pan has become a bit more vigilant, he doesn't want to miss something that could be a clue as to what happened last night.

After about two hours of nothing happening we decided to call it a night.
After getting changed I pulled back the sheets of the bed and scrunched puny face as i lowered myself into the bed.
"That's attractive" Peter sarcastically commented.
"I'm still sore okay" I replied.
I laid down in the bed and turned off the lamp as Peter did the same.
After about half an hour I could hear Pan sleeping, I couldn't get to sleep as I was uncomfortable from the soreness.

After another half an hour of laying there trying to get to sleep not much happened. Until some covered my mouth and eyes and pulled me from the bed.
I tried screaming but it did do much as everyone was asleep and it was muffled.
There were a few people caring me away. As I tried to pull myself from their grip I was hit over the head and knocked unconscious.

A/n: hopefully you guys aren't getting frustrated as there isn't anywhere near a relationship yet, I'm trying to keep the romantic feelings away until after chapter ten because it's out of character for Peter to be in love so I have to show his true character before I can change him. #Sorrynotsorry.

Byeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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