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What is going on?
Pan has done something or he knows something and I hate not knowing what it is.
Okay Elizabeth, tomorrow morning you are going to confront him about it and your not leaving without an answer.


The sun wakes me up today, I was very tired from thinking a lot last night.
I'm guessing Pan isn't here.
I roll over.
Yup. not here.
Huuuh, oh well, I'll talk to him when he goes off alone.

After getting changed into a fluffy jumper and some jeans and messing up my hair to make it look curly, I leave the tent and look for Pan.

I spot him talking to Felix as I walk over to the mess area for breakfast.
Nothing exciting. Eggs and bacon.

After I'm finished eating I carefully watch Pan until I have an opportunity.

After around five minutes he stands up and walks off toward the training area. perfect.

I have followed him until I'm sure that no one will hear us, I get prepared to announce myself.

"Enjoying the walk darling?" Pan says as he continues walking.
"How did you know I was here" I ask confused.
He stops and turns around.
"Please, I know everything that happens on this island" he replies.
"Great so that means you know what's happening to me" I state getting ready for an argument.
"Of course I do Elizabeth. why do you ask?" He cheekily smirks.
"I want you to tell me what it is" I demand hoping my high confidence will work.
He laughs.
"Sweet heart, have you forgotten whose in charge here? You're mine. I control what you know and what you don't. I control who you speak to and who speaks to you. I control everything on this island so don't worry I've got it sorted"

I feel this huge amount of rage fill up inside of me and unknowingly, I slap him, but it felt good.
His face turns to anger and he reaches up and pushes me, causing me to fall backwards.
"Did you not just hear what I said? You are nothing. no one cares about you. your father hates you. you haven't any friends. you're lucky that I've given you shelter. you will not step out of line again"
"You're a monster" I tried to yell but was secretly very scared.
He smirks again.
"Oh Elizabeth, you're adorable darling, I admire you trying to be tough, shows you've got courage"
I stand up not ready to give up.
"Tell me what is happening right now Pan" I demand.
"Or what? You can't go anywhere, you don't know how to fight, you have no backup plan"

"You've forgotten about Hook and Emma" I reply with a smirk.
His smirk fades.
"Elizabeth do you really think they'd help you? Sure they might take you back to the mortal world but you won't go back to your life. they will use your powers every second of every day, you'll be weak forever, being pushed around by them and never being able to fight back, you have it better with me"

"Alright, what do you want?" I change tactics.
"Excuse me?" He asks confused.
"Tell me what you want and I'll do it in exchange for what you know"
I saw him stop for a moment before replying.
"There's nothing I want that you can give me"
"There has to be something Pan, you don't have everything here, I could help you"
"The only use you would be is to bring back someone from the dead. but you can't do that so you have nothing to offer"
"Then teach me, show me how to do it and I'll get them back for you, and you will tell me what is happening"

He thought for a moment.
"It won't be easy, learning how to do it and learning what I know" he warned.
"Do we have a deal?" I asked feeling optimistic.


A/n: so there's another photo of what I think Elizabeth could look like, bit it's really up to you I can't decide how she should look.
I feel so evil for where I'm going with with book and what I'm going to be doing in future books 😈

How's everyone going? Ya'll good?
Anyone wanna guess what's gonna happen? I curious to see what you guys think.

So I hope your having a fabulous day/night my lovelies.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😘


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