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Today's the day. the day I bring Peters friend back to life and the day I get my freedom.
I'm not sure if I'll miss Neverland. I sort of miss Dean but we weren't that close.

Peter. I guess in a way I might miss Peter. I mean he has helped me, and he's saved my life, and he's protected, well, at least tried to protect me, if you see past this 'Allmighty' act that he puts on, he could be a good friend.

There's been times when he's pushed the boundaries of 'friendship' and gotten a bit close and personal.
But I don't blame him, it must be very lonely here.

It's time to make my deal.
I decide to wear to wear a floral print skirt with a white loose shirt with a crotchet lace back. I leave my hair out and throw on some brown boots and a pair of shorts under the skirt just in case. I'm in celebration mode, I want to not look like crap when I go home.

I prepare to step out of this tent for the last time and leave this camp.
When I step out side I really wish I didn't.
Everything is destroyed. tents are down all over the place. the meal area is a pile of crap. one of the tents is on fire. what the hell happened here?

If this wasn't weird enough. I see a boy running towards me. and I recognise him.
It's Thomas. one of the dead boys who Peter wanted to leave dead.
Why can I see him? I don't remember going to the other side.

"What are you doing?! You have to get out of here!" Thomas yells as he gets closer to me.
"What am I doing? What are you doing?! You're supposed to be dead!" I shout back.
"Look, I don't know what happened, but when you brought that rabbit back, you broke the wall between the dead and the living. and now, the misfits have escape and they're destroying the place"

"Whose the misfits?" I ask completely lost with the situation.
"The brother and sister who ruled here before Pan. he killed them and now they want revenge, quick you have to hide!"
Before I had time to process, Thomas grabbed my arm and ran off into the jungle bringing me with him.

"Wait so everyone who died here is back to life?" I asked as we ran.
"Yeah are you looking for someone?"

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud.
"What is it?" Thomas asked confused.
"I was going to use someone who Pan wanted back in exchange for my freedom" I explained.

"I see Pan" Thomas stated.
When we got closer we stopped for a breath.
I was hunched over with my hands on my knees breathing like a horse. I told you I hate exercise.

Pan turned around and charged straight for me with a scary expression.
"What the hell did you do?!" He grabbed my arms and held me upright and close to his chest.
"I don't know! I did what you told me" I replied with fear in my voice.
"Told you to bring the rabbit back not everyone whose bloody died!" He yelled back.

"Peter I want to leave"
"What do you mean?"
"I want to leave Neverland, and I want you to tell me what is going on with me" I state thinking it's not going to get me anywhere because Peter has to clean up my mess.

"No one leaves Neverland" he replied after a moment.
"Then tell me what is going on?!" I yell getting angry and frustrated.
"I don't have time for this Elizabeth!" He let go of me and start walking away.

"Come with me, I'll hide you then go kill those bloody misfits" he called back as he was walking.
I followed after.


We arrived at a tree with what looked like an entrance to underneath it.
Peter swiftly opened it and headed in.

I followed his lead and when I made it through, I don't know why I've never known about this place, there's a bed, a small kitchen, a wall of armoury, and an area to do your business. I could of hid here from Pan because he wouldn't of known I knew about it.

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